packed day

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The next day Måneskin had a lot of interviews and rehearsals. To be honest it was actually exhausting. We all woke up at 6am because we had to eat breakfast fast because they had an interview at 8 and rehearsal at 10. Not a lot happened during the day so when they finished we just explored the hotel and played ping pong with the other contestants.

The next day they will be having nothing, just an interview at 3pm so we all decided we should go out to eat together. It was a nice idea as we were leaving the arena Damiano saw someone.

"Hey Michelle. Guys this is Michelle, Michelle this is Victoria, Thomas, Ethan and Jade." Damiano introduced. We all waved at her.

"Hi." I said in a fake enthusiastic tone. "Hi! Its so nice to meet you, you are the wonderful girl Damiano always talks about!" She told me. Oh so he mentioned me, okay that was relieving.

"So Michelle, we are going out tonight if you would like to come." Victoria told her. Michelle accepted and we all headed back to the hotel.


As we were getting ready, Damiano was texting on his phone and he seemed to notice I was looking.

"It's Michelle. She asked when we will meet and where." I nodded and continued to curl my hair. Victoria and Damiano were already done, Ethan and Thomas were still showering. I was kind of excited to get to talk to Michelle and get to know her. But as a girlfriend there is always a part of you that's uncertain, even if you confirm there's nothing going on, the feeling remains there as if it's a part of you.

Outfits✧˖*°࿐ •*⁀↳⚘

Outfits✧˖*°࿐ •*⁀↳⚘

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We made it at the restaurant and we sat down to wait for Michelle

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We made it at the restaurant and we sat down to wait for Michelle. We all talked about Eurovision and rehearsals. Then a young woman about our age joined our table, Michelle. "Hey guys!" She said to us, we all said hi as she sat on Damianos other side because I was next to him.

This woman was clearly giving her all to annoy me but I just tried not to think about it. We all talked until the waitress came. We all ordered and then continued to talk.

"I'll be there in the crowd cheering you guys on." Michelle said. She was supportive not gonna lie but sometimes she was annoying because like if Damiano mentioned me so much with her than she knows I'm his girlfriend. I don't want to sound like a pick me girl but I get really annoyed and scared at the same time. The food came not shortly after and I could say that it was so delicious, everything here in Rotterdam was really good and beautiful.

When we had all eaten we continued to talk and laugh.

"I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette." Damiano said as he got up and went outside. "And I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick." Michelle said as she went to bathroom. Atleast not the way Damiano went.

Me and the others got carried away laughing and talking that I didn't notice how long Damiano and Michelle were taking.

"If you guys excuse me I'm gonna go outside." I said as I got up leaving my purse with the chair. I walked outside. A cold breeze gathered around me as I stepped outside.

And there I saw him. And her.

Toxic - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now