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"Victoria I can explain." I ran after her as she went upstairs, shaking her head.

"Please Victori-"

"What is there to explain? You kissed Damiano, used me, and now you two are in love again. Just please don't talk to me, I need to be alone." She said closing the door to her room.

I messed up. I messed up big time. I wanted to be alone and to gather my thoughts. I picked up my car keys and went outside. I was going to the beach, next to the rocks. Nobody ever really swam there or stayed there so it was always my little private area where I liked to clear my thoughts.

I drove to the place and parked in front of the stairs that led to the sea. I sat down on a rock and just breathed and thought. The sea calmed me and it easier to think.

Damianos pov:

I had kissed her. I had ruined everything she had with Victoria. But she told me she loved me. She told me she didn't love Victoria as much as she loved me.

"Hey guys where did Jade and Victoria go?" Kate asked me, Ethan and Thomas.

"Probably fucking." Thomas said.

"No they aren't." They all looked at me when I said that.

"I did something, I shouldn't have, I kissed Jade and then Victoria came to check up on Jade and she saw us. Victoria is in her room and I have no idea where Jade is."

I said in one breath. The others looked at me with their eyes wide open.

"Damiano why do you always fuck up?" Ethan said to me. To be honest I don't know. It's like whatever I do, something goes wrong. "Okay, Damiano go get Victoria, we are gonna search for Jade."
I nodded and went upstairs.

I knocked on Victoria's bedroom door. "What?" I heard her yell. "Victoria, andremo a cercare Jade. Voglio venire?" (Victoria we are gonna go search for Jade. Wanna come?"

"No." I heard Victoria say. I walked away and went downstairs. "Victoria doesn't want to come, she has every right to though." I muttered under my breath.

The others nodded. "Lets go." Said Thomas.

"So does anyone have any idea where Jade might be?" Kate said.

"I have no idea, she could be at the airport for a flight to Milan." Ethan said.

"Yeah please dont say that, I don't wanna lose her again." Thomas said.

"Well let's try going around Milan hopefully we'll find her car parked somewhere." I said.

The others nodded.

Jade's pov:

I thought that I needed to stop thinking, I mean I was gonna face them one way or another, especially Victoria. So I decided to do what was best, go back. As I got inside my car and attempted to start it, I noticed that it won't start. This was all I needed. Atleast I still had my phone.

I searched Kates number and called her. "Hello Jade?"

"Hi Kate um can you come pick me up?" I replied.

"Of course uh where are you?"

"I'm at the-"

Then I felt a vibration against my ear. No this can't be happening right now. My phone died. This is the worst day of my life.

Damiano pov:

"Hello? Jade?" Kate said. She looked at her phone and noticed that she was no longer in contact with Jade.

"Weird, let me try calling her again." Kate dialled her number and tried again. Nothing she wasn't replying.

Was she kidnapped or in danger? Or did her phone just die. Let's hope for the second option. But then a random thought spread across my mind.

"She liked to go to a place to clear her thoughts." I said.

Jade's pov:

I heard a car start up and I looked behind me. I saw Damiano coming and as he saw me he came running towards me. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Don't ever do that to us again." He said to me in an emotional tone. I just nodded. I could agree. I loved him.


Heyy guyss! Sorry for any typos. I had writers block and I couldn't write so I'm sorry for taking a long time to update. I'm afraid this story is probably coming to an end! Ilysm and ty for all the support.

Toxic - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now