Chapter VII: The Good and the Bad

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Ronnie walked to the pharmacy, still thinking about what Kenna had said. Were the Russians really the bad guys, or does society just want people to think that they are? Ronnie didn't want to go along with society, she liked having her own thoughts and opinions. If she wanted to believe the Russians were innocent, then why shouldn't she? Maybe because she would be looked at as a traitor by society, just because she's German. But who cares what society thinks? She wouldn't, but she has to considering she's one of the top soldiers in the Soldier Rank. She could easily be hated, or even fired, if rumors were spread about her being a "traitor" to America. She didn't want to hate the Russians, but what could she do if she was forced to?
She reached the pharmacy and walked inside. She browsed the shelves and picked out a bottle of painkillers that she thought were best. She walked to the counter and put them down.
"Hello, Ronnie," said the pharmacist at the counter.
"Hello, Jennifer," Ronnie replied.
"Painkillers, eh?" Jennifer picked up the bottle of painkillers.
"They're for my captain."
"Oh, that's right. How's he doing?"
"He just keeps getting injured," laughed Ronnie. Jennifer smiled and nodded.
"Captains are the most dangerous rank a person can be," Jennifer said.
"Yeah, but I think he'll be alright. He just needs some painkillers," Ronnie replied.
"Let's hope," Jennifer said. Ronnie nodded and paid for the painkillers.
Ronnie walked back to Karma's house and gave him the painkillers. He took one with a glass of water.
"Thank you, Ronnie," Karma told his soldier.
"Anything to help you out," Ronnie said with a smile.
They sat and chatted until Karma felt well enough to try and sit up. Ronnie helped him by supporting his back.
"Do you think you'll be able to stand tomorrow," Ronnie asked.
"I hope," Karma replied. "What did you want to talk to me about?"
"Oh, yeah.. about that.." Ronnie didn't know if she should tell Karma about the blaming of the Russians or not, she hated to worry him while he's in so much pain already. "It wasn't important after all."
"Are you sure?"
"Nonetheless, I'll be out of work for a while. Until I'm recovered, I want you to lead the team," said Karma.
"Ai ai, Captain," Ronnie said with a smile.

Ever since Arran's death, Isla had spent most of her evenings sitting in the cornfield. It felt as if she lost half of her heart, and now she was internally bleeding. It isn't fair, she thought. Why couldn't it if been anyone else? It just had to be her brother, she thought, it just had to be. Her thoughts were interrupted by the soft touch of a hand on her shoulder. She looked over to see Boo, his face truly sincere.
"Leave me alone, you freak," she told him in a harsh and unexpected tone.
"I'm sorry about Arran," Boo said in the kindness voice he could achieve.
"Just leave me alone," Isla snapped. Boo sighed and sat down next to her. She looked away from him, her fists clenching.
"I understand the bond between two siblings, and how much it hurts when it breaks," Boo said. She looked over to him, her face softening.
"You had a sibling," she asked him. Boo shook his head.
"I still have one," Boo replied.
"What happened to them then?"
"He decided he didn't want to be associated with me anymore."
"So he left you?"
"He left me alone with the two dead corpses of my parents."
"I'm so sorry.."
"It's alright, it's not your fault."
"So he's still alive?"
"As far as I know, yes."
"I wonder where he is, then."

Sightburgh; Civil Island, January 11th, 1891

The water surrounding Civil Island was clear and calm, you could see your reflection easily in the crystal water. Oden, Boris Oblonsky's younger brother, looked down at his reflection. Next to his reflection was the reflection of his friend, Noa. Oden looked back up and over to Noa. She looked at him also, her eyes wide in wonder.
"I don't want to go into battle," said Oden.
"We don't have a choice," Noa replied.
"I have family in Shippendale," Oden whined.
"I do too," said a voice from behind. "But that won't stop me."
Oden and Noa turned around to see their teammate, Rivail.
"You don't care if your family dies?" Noa asked him.
"You would understand if you were in my shoes, Noa," said Rivail.
"What do you mean," asked Noa.
"The only family I have left is nothing but a disgrace to this planet, I could care less if he died," Rivail explained.
"You never told me you had living family, you said they all died," Oden said.
"That might've been a lie," Rivail sighed. "My younger brother is the only family I have left alive, though it's painful admitting we're siblings."
"So your brother lives in Shippendale?" Noa asked.
"He used to work for Trance City, but he moved to Shippendale many years ago," replied Rivail.
"Same with my brother. He used to be a janitor in Trance City, and now he's a soldier in Shippendale," said Oden.
"Your brother is Boris Oblonsky, right?" Asked Rivail.
"Mhm," answered Oden.
"I see. Both of our brothers moved to Shippendale around the same time.. strange," uttered Rivail.
"What's your brothers name," asked Oden.
"Cosette," replied Rivail.
"I don't think I've ever heard of a Cosette before," Oden mumbled.
"Consider yourself lucky," Rivail told him.
     "Quit chitchatting and get to training," said their captain from behind. They groaned and got back to their training.
     Trance City and Sightburgh allied, planning to take down Shippendale and take its place as the ruler of the Western Pennsylvania Colony. But, they know Shippendale is prepared for their attacks. So, they train their soldiers extra hard, hoping that they would be powerful enough to bring Shippendale to its grave. After their training, Oden and Noa walked down the streets of Sightburgh. Sightburgh was a beautiful little city with flowers, vines, and sunshine. Noa sighed looking straight ahead. Oden looked over to her, concerned.
"This battle won't be an easy one," she uttered, "those Shippendale soldiers are pretty strong."
"I know. I don't even know if I have the courage to kill someone," Oden sighed.
"I believe in you, Odie," said Noa with a smile.
"Thanks, but I'm serious.. I can't even imagine killing an actual person," Oden told her.
"Then we'll die together," Noa said. Oden went quiet, looking to the ground. Was he really going to die? He knew that if he truly wanted to stay alive, he'd have to kill his attacker. What was he to do if he wasn't mentally capable of killing? Were he to die instead?

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