Chapter 1 Rain

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"Wake up you bastard!"

I wake up immedtly tears falling from my roise cheeks. I look up at Father who looks wearwy angry. He is holding a funny drink in his hand as he stumbles around slightly. "Why aren't you up yet?" He screams before grabbing me and throwing me into the wall. I sniffle as I try to not scream because of my owie. "Make me breakfeast!" I nod again and again as Father walks out. Curling up in a ball and rocking back and forth. My cries echoing through my bedroom.

I miss Mama. Where did Mama go?

Mama left a long time ago. Is what Father said. He said it was my fault and that she hated me but when I found a picture of her she looked nice. I think Father is lying because he lies about a lot of things. Lifting my head from my knees I grab my bear from my bed. He is my friend, my only friend. He doesn't yell or get angwy at me when I cry.

He listens.

I cuddle him close before heawing Father yell again. "Where is my breakfeast!" I feel a knot form in my tummy. I get up with my bear in hand. Opening my door and looking around the messy hallway. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Where Father is waiting for his breakfeast. "Why did you take so long?" I look up at him with tears running down my face as I open my mouth.

"I-I won't know how." He slams the table with his fists and gets up the chair falling down behind him.

"What the fuck do you mean? 'You don't know.'" I sniffle again and hold my bear close. He grabs the glass of funny drink and throws it at me. Hitting my knee. I fall to the floor crying, Father grabbing me. "Get the fuck out before I really give you something to really cry about." I nod before he drops me on the floor. "Well go on, get." I grab my bear and run. Blood running down my knee. Opening the door and running down the porch and out into the wain. I wuv wain, wain is fun. Wu can jump in it and spin in it and it also gets blood off me.

~Time Skip~

I found da park. I was weawy wet now but I don't mind. No one was here which made it even better. I grab my bear and spin him and me around small giggles escaping my lips. Sure my weg hurts but wain makes it feel better. Wain makes everything feel better.

"What are you doing outside?" I stop spinning and turn around seeing two boys standing behind me. I back up and hold my bear to my chest, scared. "Hey it's okay ignore this dumbass." Da second one says. They both have dark hair and brown or gween eyes. I can't see because of all da wain.

"Pwaying." I whisper. Kicking a small pebble.

"In the rain?" The first one asks. He looks angwy as tears begin to fall from my cheeks again. Cause when people get angwy, they hurt me and when tey hurt me. Tey get even angwier.

"What the hell did you do?" Da second one yells even angwer. Day start yelling and pushing each other. Making it hard for me to bweath but when I start crwying even louder they both stop and wook at me. "Hey, I'm really sorry, we just didn't want you to cry but we messed that up didn't we?" He wooks sad because of me so I stop crying and run to his side grabbing his finger.

"N-No wu are fine. I-I just won't want wu angwy." I see tem both smile. "Hey I'm Gio and this is moron." I wook at the second one and giggle. Moron with his eyes big.

"What! No, I'm not a moron! You are and my name is Alesso." I start laughing very loud now. "Well anyways whats your name?" Alesso asks me his voice is nice. Like that guy I met at the park once.

"Bice." I wike my name. It reminds me of bees and flowers. Pretty flowers.

"Thats so pretty." Gio coos. I nod a big smile on my face. I miss smiling it is nice to smile again.

"Well where is your mom and dad. You can't be left out here in the rain. You will get a cold." I step back at the mention of father. Father will be so angwy when I come home wet. "If you don't know where they are we can take you home." I pull away from them, trembling.

"N-No! Pw-Pwease won't take me home." Alesso and Gio both looks at each other eyes big again. "Pw-Pwease!" I scream backing up. Alesso and Gio comeing towards me.

"Hey, Hey we aren't going to hurt you calm down Princess." I stop and look at him my head tilted.

"Who is pwincess?" They both laugh and Gio holds out his arms.

"You are now can I please pick you up?" I wook at Gio and at Alesso. Father said don't go with stwangers but they seem nice like Mama, Mama was nice. I run into Gio's arms, snuggling deep into his chest. He wraps his arms around me, warming me up.

"Your freezing princess." I hum in response, happy.

"Come on lets go home."

Home? That word sounds nice.

Home? That word sounds nice

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I hope you enjoyed. I'm never good at prologes and first chapters. But next one will be better.

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