Chapter 2 Princess

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Me and Alesso walk down the sidewalk the cute little Princess snuggled up in my chest. I swear she is the most adorable thing. When I saw her spinning and giggling in the rain with that adorable baby voice. My heart melted right then and there but what I don't get is why she doesn't want to go home. Most kids are begging to go home when it is pouring and freezing cold, with strangers they have never met before. I look back down at Bice her cute little baby face pressed up against my chest.

It hasn't even been fifteen minutes and she already has me and Alesso wrapped around her little finger.

"What the fucking hell are we going to tell dad when we get home?" I give Alesso an angry look as he looks at around confused before looking back at me his eyebrows raised. "What's with the look?"

"Don't swear around the kid." He looks down at Bice and immedtly relaxes before rolling his eyes and looking up at the sky, his head tilted back. The rain falling on his face.

"Sorry but I'm serious what are we going to tell dad. You know how he is about these things." I stop and look at Alesso dumbfounded. I mean what else are we supposed to do leave her there in the rain when she couldn't be more then a couple years of age.

"Well what was I supposed to do leave her? Take her to her home? Take her to the police?" Alesso looks at me pissed. His dark brown eyes meeting mine but instead of blowing up like he normally does he takes a deep breath and runs an tense hand through his wet curly hair.

"I know that just-"

"Yeah I get it. It is not going to be a fun conversation to have with dad." We continue our walk down Ivy RD. and turning onto Mills St. The rain getting heavier and in case you want to know why we were outside in the rain walking. Well long story short out parents got sick of us and kicked 'their troubling twins' out. I slow down feeling Bice mumble a bit and stir but no more then a second later she goes back to her calm cute self and here I was thinking I didn't like kids.

~Time Skip~

We arrive at the front gates of our house, the twinkling porch lights shinning in the rain. I look at Alesso and he looks at me pure panic on both our faces. I take a deep breath and take the first step. Opening the green oak door we both immedtly get greeted by our head maid. Lizzie and by greeted I mena getting smacked on the head with her rolling pin.

"Dove diavolo eravate voi due!" (AN" Where the hell were you two?) I rub my head in discomfort as Alesso speaks.

"Scusa Lizzie abbiamo perso la cognizione del tempo." (AN: Sorry Lizzie we lost track of time.) She wacks Alesso again a very loud 'Ow' coming from him. Starttling Bice up. I look down as she rubs her eyes and look around in shock and aw. Before whispering in my ear.

"Gio wh-where are we?" I see Lizzie and Alesso both turn their heads to look at Bice her small form clinging tightly to my shirt. I watch as Lizzie brings a hand up to her mouth as she looks at the little girl in admiration.

"Alesso, Gio who is this?" She asks head over heels for Bice.

Maybe we aren't going to die?

"Lizzie meet Bice." Alesso speaks confidently knowing we have already won Lizzie's heart and approval. She reaches her hand out and brushes Bice's cheek, Bice holding out her arms shyly asking for Lizzie to pick her up and almost immeditly Lizzie pick her up, cuddling her. I already miss her small form on me.

"Oh my goodness if you aren't the sweetest little thing I don't know what is." I hear Bice giggle and puts her hand on Lizzie's nose.

"Cookies are sweeter." We all burst out in laugher as Bice blushes bright red and burries her head into Lizzie's apron. Lizzie looking at us with her bottom lip pursed. Mouthing 'She's perfect' but before me or Alesso can respond I hear a deep booming voice scareing the shit out of all of us.

"Boys." Me and Alesso flinch and look up at Dad and Mom by the entry way to the kitchen. Dad opens his mouth to speak but get stopped by mom running down looking at Bice.

"Who is this?" Mom asks excitedly. Me and Alesso exchange cheeky looks before I respond.

"Mom this is Bice." Mom holds out her arms with Lizzie pouting. I see Bice slowly fall into her arms. Mom cuddleing her as she spins around. I hear Bice laugh loudly, Mom taking this to her advatage and jumping up and down. Bice laughing even louder.

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