Chapter 32 Stress...

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      "Listen she has, chronic post traumatic stress disorder. So the reason she freaked out so much was most likely due to her past homelife and the 'incident' that happend a week ago."

   I nod taking in all of this information. Dr. Hyde came running in about an hour ago and helped Beatrice calm down. Using a lot of breathing exercises and reasurence. "She has seen a lot more then the average toddler should have seen."

"That's an understatement." I mumer a little pissed at that statement.....You know what no! I am fucking pissed! Cause yeah dip-shit, she has seen a lot of fucked up stuff for A FUCKING THREE YEAR OLD! So yeah no fucking shit! I clench my fists into a tight ball and take strained hoarse breaths. I look away from Dr. Hyde and look over at Beatrice. I am curently sitting on her bedside. A terrible feeling of deja-vu flooding back to me and this time it is 100% my fault. "Yes, well Boss we still need to talk abo-"

"If it's about the funeral then No!" Dr. Hyde asked me a little while ago about the funeral and I still can't bring myself to accept the fact their gone and putting their...remains into the earth well that is as real as real can get. So No! If it means that I can just pretend, even for a little while that their okay, that Beatrice is okay, that...I'm okay. Then I will.

"Well actually it's about Bice." Oh God. I look back at Dr. Hyde my eyes wide. Not again, not again, not again. Whatever bitch came up with the phraze 'history repeats itself' was a bitch. Cause ignorance is bliss, and I would LOVE some of that right now. I nod and look back at Beatrice her sleeping form isn't peaceful like before it is strained and pained.

"Outside." I whisper, leaning down I kiss her on the forehead and brush a stray hair behind her ear. "Okay let's go." I get up and walk out with Dr. Hyde. Lizzie sitting down, taking my spot and mumering something to Beatrice. We walk outside the safe houses small medical facility. I proberly should have stocked it up more but then again I never thought I would have to use it. We make it down the oak wood hallway and to my office.

"I hope you don't mind us talking in your office."

"No, not at all take a seat." I jesture to the black leather chair in front of my desk, myself going around and sitting down in my baitse red chair. "So....Wh-" I clear my throat and man up. (AN: Honestly guys 'man up' is a FUCKING STUPID phraze and it's bull-crap that any man or ANYONE would have to 'man up' and hide their emotions. Just wanted to say that)

"What now?" I ask. My voice filled with pain and guilt.

-FlashBack A Couple of Hours Ago-

"Yeah well I changed my mind. Now, Are you in or out?" I ask painfully. Tears falling down my cheeks at what I'm about to order him to do.

"I'm in, now what's the job?" He mumers, the sound of ice clinking against the glass faint on the other line.

"Take Beatrice away, and keep her away. I can't protect her here." I break off a bit before continueing. A faint hum in understanding coming from him. "It's to dangerous and I know you can do it.....I mean after all yo-"

"Yes, Yes, quit it with the semantics but what is in it for me again?" I take a breath before looking back inside my room. Beatrice's sweet little face with a faint smile tugging at her lips but it only brings me back to the fact that she is going to leave me...but I have too. I won't lose her, I can't lose her. I don't have the strength to live for myself any more. I'm weak.

"Over Two Million easily and if you find that bitch Aridam then you get four mill." (For my Western Civ. Out there that's around 1,500,100. pounds and he doubles it if he finds Aridam.) I hear him hum, in satisfication before speaking.

"Okay done. Now when do I get the girl?" I look at Beatrice my vision blurry.

"Three days."

"Alright then, see you Aug, 20th." And with that he hangs up the phone leaving me broken.

-End of FlashBack-


"Hmm?" I ask looking back up and taking a breath.

"Did you hear what I just said?" He asks his eyebrows furrowed.

"No, please repeat."

"Beatrice's heart is failing."




Also I want to say thank you to @TyTy_2021 Sorry if I got it wrong but SHE/HE/THEY have been so SUPPORTIVE THANK YOU!

Well there ya'll go next update is Aug. 20th also I'm updating Synn today so go check it out.

Thanks lots of love.



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