Chapter 19 Clouds

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(AN: Bice's Aunt)

                I am curently holding this angelo in my arms on the living room couch and I am never letting her go. The boys can't keep their eyes off of her and Ricardo has been a smiling fool for the past thirty minutes and Gio and Alesso are over protective as fuck! Every time I shift even a bit too much they hold their arms out as if I would drop her. I can't help but schoff at that, I have birthed five FUCKING children and cared for them all perfectly...err fine and I never dropped them once and I definitly will never drop this angelo.

I have wanted a baby girl for years and finally I have a baby niece and she couldn't be more precious and she is certenly special. I never in my life have ever heard such beautiful words from such a young toddler. I feel a small hand tug at the collar of my shirt and I look down seeing sweet Bice looking up at me. Her warm brown eyes gazing up.

"Umm, I'm sorry but I won't know your name." I can't help but look at Ricardo my lip pursed at how cute she is.

"I am your Auny Lucy but you can call my Lucy." I see her nod and look at Gio and Alesso, my boys all watching closely. I tap her and she looks back up at me as I point to Ricardo. "That is your Uncle Ricardo, got it." She nods and waves to Ricardo, Ricardo waving back then I point to my boys all of them straighting their backs. "And those are you five cousins, Brio, Dairo, Ercole, Gian, and finally Lazaro." I feel her slide off my lap and I immeditly want her back.

She walks over to the boys Alesso and Gio watching her every move. "Hi, I'm Bice." She says all my boys looking at me, as I give them a death stare. They better not fuck this up, because I don't ever want her to be afraid of us. Brio my oldest finally speaks up.

"Hi, angelo I'm Brio it's nice to meet you." She giggles and tilts her head.

"Why does everyone call me tat, what does it mean?" We all break out in laughter as Bice looks around the room shrugging her shoulders. We eventually calm down and Gian leans towards Bice, Bice backs up a bit, Gio and Alesso shooting all of us, 'watch it' looks. Honestly they look like fucking body guards. All my boys roll their eyes as Gian speaks.

"Bice guess what?" Bice walks closer to him, leaning in her amber eyes sparkling with excitment.

"What?" She tries to whisper but we can all hear her.

"Tickle attack." Bice looks confused and looks at Alesso.

"What is a tick-" She couldn't finish her sentence when Gian starts to tickle her, Bice laughing loudly as she falls into Gian's arms. All of my boys joining in.

"Alright that's enough." Gio says stepping in and grabbign Bice who is a laughing giggling mess. "You good Bice?" Gio asks worried. All my boys sending me 'seriously' looks and I just shrug my shoulder.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." She says through giggles and gasps. "I-It was fun." All my boys smile brightly, their eyebrows raised with a cocky smirk. Lorenzo huffing and Alesso and Ercole basiclly having a staring contest.

"Why don't you all go outside and play." Lorenzo says as Bice nods excitedly. Alesso swooping her up and heading out the door. Gio behind him and then the rest of my boys.

"I never got to put her hair up." Carena mumbles under her breath as I cross my arms.

"Aww...why did Bice have to leave." I pout, Ricardo putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Well we have a lot to talk about and I don't want Beatrice in the room." My breath hitches a bit, knowing that this means it isn't good.

"Okay talk."



         I walk out the door with Bice in my arms, her small giggling form focused on behind us. Now I love my cousin's dearly, would I ever tell them that NO! But they can be reckless jackasses sometimes and I don't want them scaring or hurting Bice. We make it far enough in the backyard where we can play without bothering our parents but they can still see us. I set Bice down gently, not wanting to let her go but she can at least stand.


"Bice what do you want to do?" Lazaro says, his smokey grey eyes shinning with excitment. Me and Gio both on either side of her, our arms crossed and jaw clenched. Now Lazaro is the fun cousin but he is also the youngest spoiled cousin and saftey is not a word in his vocabulary. "How about we roll down that hill there."







    The rest of us scream at once. Bice and Lazaro eyes wide before Lazaro starts to wine. Annoying bitch.

"What why not? It won't hurt." He wines. Gian punches him hard on the shoulder before speaking.

"Because rolling down a hill at high speed with a bunch of 120 somthing pound men and a young toddler is not going to end up in a hospital. Yeah great plan." Gian mocks in a sarcastic tone everyone else ganging up on Lazaro with yelling and screaming.

"Dat cwoud wooks wike a bird." Bice says everyone shutting up and looking up at the sky of where she is pointing. "It wooks funny." She giggles and sits down on the grass everyone following the movement like a lost puppy.

"Yeah and that looks like a anvil." Dairo says Bice laughing even louder.

"Yeah it does." Well I guess that settles it, we are going to be looking at the sky with Bice for the next hour or so and I couldn't be happier.

" Well I guess that settles it, we are going to be looking at the sky with Bice for the next hour or so and I couldn't be happier

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I GOT IT OUT! WOOH! Well here it is I hope you enjoyed.
And please go check out 'Exodus' it's a really fun book with tons of romance and great writting on my my opinian at least


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