Chapter 7 Paperwork

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            I walk outside feeling the heavy rain drops fall on my clothes and in my hair but I don't give a shit. I need to punch something, I need to hurt someone. "Gio!" Alesso calls out but I only flick him off and continue walking off. Where, you might ask well that I don't know just away. I feel a strong hold on my shoulder turning my head I see Alesso breathing heavily a faint smile tugging at his lips but I shurg his hand off. Alesso looking at me pissed.

"Fuck off!" I scream my breaths heavy and rapid. My mind a haze of thoughts and memories.

"Gio calm the fuck down! And tell me where we are going." I chuckle my voice raspy.

"There is no WE in this there is me and that is all." Alesso looks at me confused but then a sense of understanding floods over him.

"Gio if this is about Bice then why are you mad at me?" Just the sound of her name. Pisses me off. Not at her but at this whole fucking situation. She doesn't dserve that. Hell the whole world knows that. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that some sick bastard looked at the adorable child and saw some tool. Some object to play with. I have seen a lot of sick people in this world hell I'm proberly one of them but I know one thing. Don't. Fucking. Mess. With. Kids! And to her I literally met this girl just a couple of hours ago and I'm already in love with her. So how can someone HER father who has been with her his and her whole life hurt her like that? How?

I take a deep breath and fall to the floor running a tired hand though my hair. Alesso sitting down next to me. "I'm sorry, I'm not angry at you, I-I'm just angry at this whole situation. I mean how in the world does someone do that to a kid? To her! I just don't fucking get it." Alesso's facial expression changes from calm and collected to rathful and cold. I trait we inherrited from our parents.

"I don't fucking know." He sighs, throwing his head back, raindrops flooding down his face. "But there is no way in hell we are letting her go back there and that is already a step in the right direction." I hum, nodding.

"I guess." I mumble. But I feel as though it isn't enough. What I want to do is turn back time and kill that bastard before he even got the chance to see her, No I'll kill him before he can even be in the same 200 mile radius of her. I grab a rock and throw it into the bushes, giving me a split second of satisfication but it fades away almost immeditly.


"Hmm?" I look at Alesso who is looking up at the sky before chuckling out loud. His voice loud and booming opposed to my raspy dull voice.

"You think we can keep her?" I look at him confused. What the fuck does he mean 'keep her' like adopting a fucking puppy? Is that what this moron means. He looks at me seeing I'm confused and continues. "Like I mean ya know just 'keep her'." I punch him, hard. On the shouler. "Ow the fuck was that for?" 

"Yeah because that makes more sense." We both start laughing and hitting each other. "Lets just keep her." I mock,  I splash water at him before looking down at our dirtied clothes. "You know mom's going to kill us right?" He nods chuckling.

"Yeah I know." We both sit up, him putting his hands on his hips, like a sassy teenage girl. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Well thats it hope you enjoyed....JK there's more enjoy!

         We both walk back inside seeing Mom and Dad sitting on the couch with Bice sleeping in mom's lap. Mom sees us her eyes wide. "BOYS WHAT IN TH-" She trails off looking down at Bice who is gently stirring. Damn this girl has saved us more then once today from our parents rath. "Boys go upstairs and get changed then we have to talk." We both nod and head up the stairs trying to stiffle out laughter the whole way.

~Time Skip~

       Me and Alesso both head downstairs to see Mom and Dad sitting at the dinning room table. "Where's Bice?" I ask entering the dinning room and pulling out a chair before taking a seat.

"I put Bice in our room so she can sleep." I nod before leaning back in my chair. Both of our parents looking at us carefully.

"Okay what is going on?" Alesso asks carefully as we both examine our parents facial features. My mother looks worried but calm oppossed to my father's angry rathful look. Our parents exchange glances before my father takes a deep breath and places a manilla folder on the counter.

"I asked Cairo to look up some info on Beatrice and her home life." I nod, Alesso grabbing the folder and opening it looking down at stacks of papers. "And sadly....I was right." Alesso flips through the folder finding police reports.

Tons of Police reports.

All of them about domistic abuse. I look at my mother and father as Dad continues. "Her mother died giving birth and her father curently works at Casino in Vanessa. The overwhelming erge to grab my gun and beat that man senseless is nearly immpossible to fight as my fists tighten and jaw clenches.

"She has no other family due to the fact that her mother is an orphan and her father doesn't have any recorded." I shoot my head up.

"What do you mean 'not recorded?'" My mom bites her lip and places her hand on Dad's, sighing.

"I don't know dear but it's not there as if they never exsited." Me and Alesso are both exchanging confused looks. We all stay silent a moment before Alesso speaks.

"So what Bice? We are just going to put that little angelo in the foster system." The thought of her in the foster system breaks my heart. She has been through so much already from such a young age. I don't wish that on her or anyone. Well then again there are a few exceptions.

"I don't know." Dad groans leaning his head back.

"Well why don't we just keep her?" Alesso asks happily. Me gently chuckling at his wording. Mom smiles as Dad just sends another annoyed groan.

"You know it's a dangerous word we live in Alesso." Dad counters, Alesso pouting. "You remember the measuers I had to go through to keep you, your brother, and mother safe." Just as though all hope is lost my mother's angelic voice speaks up.

"Yes, but Lorenzo the boys are grown now and we have more support then we ever have. I know they will help protect that angelo and she has already bonded so much with them." And just like that my hope for keeping my little princess is through the roof. Dad looks at mom, then at Alesso, and finally me.

"So you are telling me we just 'keep her?'" Mom tilts her head, playing with her hair and leaning in my father's lips just inches from hers. This is the one time me and Alesso want our mother to be flirty. She starts nibbling on his ear him groaning a bit. Me and Alesso trying not barf.

"We always wanted a little bambina and here she is. Needing our help and your just going to leave her?" Dad sighs getting up and groaning in fustration. Me, Mom, and Alesso all looking at him with puppy eyes. Mom mouthing a dirty word to Dad, Dad's eyes wide.

"Fine but do you know how much paperwork I'm going to have to do?" Mom gets up squealing like a little girl before jumping on him hugging him and mumbling so many words in italian that I can't follow along. Mom gets down from dad and runs over to us giving both of us a tight hug.

"So boys," She says, pulling back. "How do you feel about having a little sister?"

OOOOOOOOOO! How was that? I know it was very fast paced sorry but I really wanted to give you guys an update

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OOOOOOOOOO! How was that? I know it was very fast paced sorry but I really wanted to give you guys an update.

~Roise Red 

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