Chapter 13 Let The Game Begin

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"You wanted to see me Boss?" My right hand stutters, as I swish around the glass of scotch whiskey in the glass. The small clink of ice cubes hitting the glass every now and again. "Umm Boss?" I slam my fist on the table staring him dead in the eye. His robust form retreating back. Putting my glass of whiskey down and rolling up my sleeve showing a horrid branding scar on my right arm. The big leter V with a line through the middle.

"Do you see this?" He nods but that only pisses me off more. Weakness is not tolerated here. "SPEAK UP!" I demand.

"Yes Boss." I lean back in my chair, my sleeve still rolled up his eyes on my scar.

"Do you know where I got this?" I ask, slowly. Takeing a sip of my whiskey.

"N-No boss." I hum, satisfied.

"You know of the Visto's correct?" He nods as I clench my jaw at just the thought of them. "Well after the 'incedent' that Lorenzo Visto decieded to brand me. Marking me a fool and a traitor forever. Letting the world know. I lost and I lost bad. Now I won't get into details because that is not why we are here, No?" He nods again as I jesture for him to take a seat.

"You have been keeping tabs on them, correct?" I ask my patience, running thin.

"Yes boss." He says confidently. Ignorant fool.

"Well do you care to explain why they are seen with a young girl?" I grab a manilla folder from my desk drawer and sprawl the picture and forms out on the desk. His eyes going wide as he looks down at the picture.

"I-I have never seen this girl before Boss. I-I can-"

"Silence you blubbering fool!" I scream sitting up, my black leather chair falling down behind me as silence fills the room. I take slow uneven breaths before chuckling and sitting back down. Shaking my head. "Listen, I have waited YEARS! Years, for this oppurtinuty to get back at the Visto's and you almost fucked it up." He lowers his head in rescpect and nods, his breaths shaking.

"Boss but why does it matter if I get the info a little late I mean-"

"FOOL!" I scream, grabbing my gun and shooting him in the arm. His cries ringing in my ears bringing me peace as I walk around the desk and too him, grabbing him by the chin, forceing him to look at me. "The mafia is a game of chess. You can't just take out the king immeditly, you have to kill all of his little pawns first, then his knights and finally his queen before killing him." He looks at me still not understanding, confusion in his eyes. I throw him to the floor.

"Well then why not go for his wife?" He asks ignorence and bliss laced in his voice.

"Because his wife and his boys have been raised in the mafia. They are older more skilled, they know how this game is played and the play it well.....but a child, one with no ties to the mafia, one who is ignorent to this world. Is an easy target and an important one. I have waited decades to activate my plan takes time and with this young girl. This little angel." I pick up her photo, the Visto twins holding each one of her hands as she giggles running down the mall.

"This little angel has plenty of time." I take a breath and pick up my chair before sitting back down in it. "Now go get me Daren." He nods running out the door. A sly smile on my face. I look back at the photo. Laughing.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk Lorenzo. You played it safe for so many long years but now." I start to laugh even louder at the thought of what I will do. "Now my dear friend. It's my turn."

"Boss he's here." My right hand says peaking his head through the door.

"Let him in." I wave my hand. Looking back down at the photo once more before watching Daren walk in. A smile on my face.

"Let the Game begin."


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