• I Adore The Way That You Smile •

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*One Week Later*

Vic lightly kissed my nose as I giggle of how adorable he was. The smell of the sweet grass and cool air shot through my nostrils whenever I took a tiny breath. The flowers were brighter than ever, the sky was pure blue and Vic's eyes were glowing with love from the sunlight.

We we're at the field Vic has taken me a few weeks back. It was our haven, it was the spot that signifies our love. He places another soft kiss on my cheek and I feel every piece of grass brush trough my hair. It was itchy, but I didn't care. Vic leans down to place his final kiss in my lips and I grab both sides of his face to bring him closer.

He flops on the bright green grass beside me and we both look up at the branches of the tree. They were brushing and shaking through the wind making the blue sky peep through the green leaves. The clouds made soft little figures, the patterns were in all shapes and sizes. It was like windows to the world.

"It's beautiful," I smile.
"Not as beautiful as you," Vic said as he rolled over again and places another kiss on my smiling lips.
Our fingers interlock and his places his soft pink lips on my knuckles. He smiles at me again and I follow.

"We should probably head back now," he sighs.
I nod and he helps me up to my feet.

We walk back to his old red pickup and like a gentleman he is. He opened the door for me. I sat down inside and he closed the door shut. He sat on his side and we soo drove off home. His Mother and Father were probably waiting for us. For the past week, I've been living with Vic and his family.

To Vic's Mother and Father, I was practically their daughter. And I felt loved for the first time of my life. They don't know about my family, we just told them that I was the only child and that they always go on business trips. Obviously that was not true.

I watched the small cars, stores, schools and homes rush past as we drove down the road. I felt a hand creep onto mine and they intertwined. I smiled slightly and let the wind from the window rush through my hair, and I could feel every strand brisling making my long hair tangle.

The vehicle soon slowed down as we reached Vic's house. We hopped out and walked inside.

"MOM! DAD! MIKE!" He yelled across the whole house.
It was pure silence.
"Hmm... I guess no ones home," he shrugged.

The house dimly lit and the staircase was pitch black. Vic turned on the lights and I was again introduced to the familiar colours of the walls.
"I really thought they would be home today," he said.
I giggled and shrugged.
"Its a Sunday! What would they be doing on a Sunday!" He ranted.

I giggled on how adorable he was. His eyes and lips were adorable, ugh. Everything about was just so cute.
"Might as well eat and go to bed," he sighed.
"I like that idea," I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I walk upstairs as he went into the kitchen. The hall was dimly lit by Vic's room, I walked into his room and it looked exactly the way it was when we left. My clothes were scattered all over the place, Vic's clothes were in little clumps all around the room, old pizza boxes were in a pile in the corner of the room and the bed was a mess with a whole bunch of laundry cramped up in it.

I walked in and grabbed any piece of clothing that was suitable. I changed my clothes just in time before Vic walked in with food. He gave me a plate with leftovers and kissed me on my cheek. I only ate bits and pieces of the food sadly. I guess I was just nervous for tomorrow.

"You're not gonna eat are you?" Vic asked me with a tinge of sadness in his voice.
"I-I don't know..." I mumbled.
"There is nothing to worry about, school is school you know," he said trying to upbeat.
"But everyone hates me," I murmured.
He looked me into my eyes with his gorgeous eyes I never get sick of.

"I don't hate you. Jamie doesn't hate you. Mike doesn't ha-"
"I get it Vic," I interrupted him quietly.

He sighed and put down his plate, he gently grabbed the plate from my hands and placed it on the bed side table. He grabbed both of my hands and he looked me deep into my eyes.

"As long as you're with me, nothing is going to happen to you. As long as you're happy, no one is gonna hurt you," he said.
"I know," I whisper.
"No... You don't Maria," he said. I tried looking away from him. But he kept that eye contact.

"You don't get how much it matters to me when I see you smile, and how much it hurts me to see you cry. It breaks my heart to see you like this, it's killing me," he said looking upset.

Believe me Vic. It kills me to see you that way too.

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