• I Never Thanked You •

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(A/N: I just love Jamie's face in this picture.)

I couldn't stop thinking about Vic, His eyes, his voice, his everything.

Ooh, Maria's got a boyfriend! Like he would ever like you! Like Sarah said, you're a filthy dog.

"Stop!" I shouted.

I looked up and everyone was staring at me. Oh right, Im in English.

"Is everything alright Miss Smith?" Mr. Stewart asked looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," I replied. Thank god he's one of the nice teachers.

He nodded and carried on with his lecture. All the students averted thier eyes back to Mr. Stewart.

After class I speed walked out to Canteen wanting to get in, get out before anyone sees me. I just bought a can of Soda and a bottle of water. Like I need food, I'm already as fat as it is, I'm practicly a fucking whale.

I walked to the outdoor eating area and sat down under the tree where it was extremely cold, I liked it. I sat down and pluged in my IPod, cranking 'The Smashing Pumpkins'.

The wind blew in my face as 'Disarm', I closed my eyes and smiled slightly. I inhaled the cold air and smiled more. I opened and see a figure walked towards me and yet again I try to hide my face with my oversized hoodie.

"Hey," the figure spoke.

I looked up and see Vic smiling at me warmly. I fake smiled back and looked back down at my hands.

"So, do you like the cold?" He asked taking a bite of an apple. I nodded shyly and he sighed.

"I kinda like it too, better than the heat I reckon," he laughed just a little. I smiled back and looked back down at my IPod.

It was just pure silence between us, I never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life.

"You're really pretty, you know that?" he broke the silence and smiled while I blushed.

"I kinda had a crush on you at 6th grade, I guess I really liked you. But I never had the guts to talk to you," he confessed. I smiled and blushed even more.

"Really?" I muttered.

"Who wouldn't? Your beautiful," He smiled and looked in my eyes. I smiled back and looked back into his eyes.

He... liked me? No one ever liked me before? Is he really telling me the truth?
No he's not! How can you be so stupid? He's only saying that to get in your pants!

"Shut up," I said to myself as quiet as I could.

"Hmmmm?" Vic asked as he crunched on his apple.

"Nothing," I whispered.

After another long silence the bell finally rang. We both sat up and picked up our things.

"What do you have next?" He asked.

"Uhh, I- I umm, have a-a free p-period," I studdered. Control yourself Maria, stop studdering.

"Oh hey! I have free period too, do you wanna get out of here?" He smirked.

"I- uhh, don't know? I never left school g-grounds before 3 o'clock," I murmured looking down at the ground.

"Comon they will never catch us," he encouraged.

"Umm..." I whispered as I looked back at the school.

"O- okay..." I fake smiled and he grabbed my hand.

We ran towards the back of the school and Vic quickly opened the back gate.

"Wait!" I said and Vic stopped.

"Are you sure n-no one will find o-out?" I studdered. God stop it.

"Of course not, why?" He questioned.

My lungs gave out, I fear to tell Vic what my parents will do if they found out.
Quick! Think of a lie! Think of an excuse!

"Im just nervous, I never done this b-before," I replied.
Really? I could have thought better...

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and Vic reopened the gate and gently grabbed my hand. We ran down the road and I felt like I was flying, my hair flowing through the ice cold wind, Vic's warm touch on my cold skin and the adrenaline rush was amazing. I was like I took all kinds of drugs and I was feeling so alive.

Vic looked back at me and he laughed while he was tightening his grip. I laughed aswell and smiled as wide as I could. We ran for nearly 5 minutes until we reached our destination. Vic was catching his breath and so was I. He laughed a little while I was smiling slightly.

After we caught our breath, we started to walk to an empty park and Vic sat on the swings.

"Sit next to me," he smiled warmly.

I nodded slightly and sat down next to Vic. It was a long silence of us on the swings, I didn't mind. I usually enjoyed pure silence.

"Vic?" I finally spoke up, whispering.

"Yeah?" He said softly.

"I n-never t-thanked you for this morning," I said as he looked down at the ground, kicking his feet in the dirt.

"Thank you," I finished and gave him a real smile. He looked me into the eyes like he staring into my soul. I got uncomfortable and averted my eyes from his.

"Hey? Do you want something to eat?" He asked looking in my direction.

"N-no, I'm not h-hungry," I mumbled as I lookes at my shoes. "Are you sure? I didn't see you eat at lunch," he frowned.

"I-I just had a big breakfast," I said putting on my famous fake smile.

"Okay," he smiled slightly.

After a couple more awkward small talks it was finally 3:00.

"Hey, do you wanna hang at my house? My parents and brother won't be home so they wouldn't embarrass me," he chuckled.

"Oh, I-uhh I don't know," I studdered, again.

"I have Pop Tarts," he smiled trying to convince me.

"W-What's that?" I asked, I have no idea what those are.

"Woah, slow down. You never had a Pop Tart?" He asked shocked.

I shook my head, embarrassed.

"Then there's a reason why you should hang out with me," he smiled.

"Uhh, o-okay," I whispered as loud as I could.

"Comon," he said as he held out his hand, I grabbed his hand slowly and pulled me out of the swing and we started to walk to Vic's house. I couldn't help but feel safe around Vic, he made me feel like nothing could hurt me.

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