• Never Forget •

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My tired eyes flutter open and they met with a sleeping Vic. He was snoring softly my vision corrected itself. He looked so peaceful, I smiled and tried to get comfortable to go back to sleep.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. After what seems like forever I opened my eyes. I can never fall back asleep.

Vic was still in his deep slumber and I had a strong erge to wake him up. No... Yes... No, that's mean... So then yes.

I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He wriggled a little bit, but he still wouldn't wake up. I kissed him again, but a little bit harder. He scrunched his face and rolled over facing away from me. I got a little frustrated and pulled his shoulder back towards me. He groaned and rolled onto his back. I jumped onto his lap to straddle him and grabbed his face with my hands. I pressed my lips roughly onto his and he eventually woke up.

He kissed me back and we moved in sync. I broke the kiss and looked at his tired brown eyes.
"Morning," I whispered.
"Hmmm..." He groaned.

I smiled and leaned down for a kiss. I pecked him a few times and he soon shot is tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled and collided as I feel warm hands go up to the top of my sheet. They soon pulled it down and I just let him go for it. Vic sat up and pulled the sheet wrapped around my body further down. I was still straddled onto his lap as he trailed kisses all around my breasts. I breath out a heavy moan and grab both sides of Vic's face again and pull him closer, telling him I want more.

I feel a sense of déjà vu and I tilt my head back as I let him work his magic. I could tell he had a whole lot of anticipation.
"Ohh, mmmm... W-ah-wait, oh Wait V-Vic," I said trying not to moan.

He stopped and looked up at me.
"C-can we just ta-talk?" I said as I looked into his lustful brown eyes.

He smiled at me wider and placed a quick kiss on my lips.

"Okay," he whispered.

We started to talk about our interests, our childhood stories and other random stuff.
"What other things haven't you done?" He asked looking innocent.
"A-A lot, actually," I said.
"Like what?"
"Ba-basics," I said shyly.
I shook my head.
"Riding a bike?"
I shook my head again.
"Not even camping?"
I shook my head.

"Why not?"

Should I tell him about my family? Will he judge me? Will he hate me? Will he find me disgusting after he finds out were my bruises come from? I need to tell him. He'll find out eventually.

"My f-family, doesn't really ca-care about me," I said with a sad expression.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked.
"They're the reaso-n why I have bruis-bruises, the reas-reason why I can-can't sleep, the r-reason why I stu-studder...." I said with tears welling in my eyes.

He looked at me with confusion at first, but his face soon dropped and realised what I meant. He engulfed me in a hug as I started to sob uncontrollably. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, I don't ever want to let go of him.

"P-please... Don't Le-let go..." I cried.

"I will never let go..."

"Pro-promise me-e," I whisper.

"I promise Maria, I promise..."

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