• Morning •

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After our kiss, Vic made me feel happy, safe... I wanted it to be like this forever.

We sat on his bed still watching movies and eating little snacks. But I only ate half a pizza and one cookie. I don't think Vic noticed.

He'll notice eventually...

"Stop..." I whimpered.

Vic paused the movie and I looked up at him with tears spilling out of my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He said grabbing my hands.

I stopped crying as soon as his soft hands touched mine.

"T-they won't s-stop Vic... T-The... V-Voices," I whispered.

He looked at me with sad eyes and hugged me. I buried my head into his neck and breathed in deeply. He smelled... sweet.

I smiled and he let go of me. He looked me into my eyes and raked his hands through my hair and kissed my nose. I smiled and so did he.

"Don't let them get to you Maria," he said while holding my hands for security. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and nodded.

We whent back to watching movies and he stole a few kisses every now and then. I eventually fell asleep in Vic's arms.

The next morning I woke up to a kiss on my nose. I flicker my eyes open and smiled at the fact that it was Vic. That was the first night in a long time I woke up not in pain, not from a nightmare and not on the floor.

The sun rays shun through his window behind him. It blared into my eyes and I looked at Vic again. The sun made his tan skin glow and his smile shine.

"Morning gorgeous," he whispered.

I smiled and I placed my hand on his cheak and stroked it with my thumb.

He leaned in and kissed me softly. I leaned back a little and soon pushed forward to intensify the kiss. It got more passionate and he placed his hand on my waist and wandered his fingertips up the hem of my shirt.

He started to reach up the bottom of my rib cage and I broke the kiss and pushed his hand away.

He looked at me with an apologetic face and I pushed my shirt back down.

"Im sorry Maria, I didn't mean to take it too far. I underst-"

"Vic, I-Its okay. I-I just wanna t-take it s-slow. Okay?" I interrupted him.

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I hear a phone vibrate and Vic looked over me to his bedside table. He grumbled and climbed over me to get his phone.

I looked up and realized that he was shirtless. I looked up at his tone skin in awe. He had beautiful tanned abs and muscular arms. It was driving me crazy.

He moved back into his position and sighed.

"My parents won't be back until dinner," he sighed.

I shrugged at him and he chuckled quietly.

"What time I-is it?" I asked.

"Uhh, eleven... thirty," he said.

Well, now my parents are really going to be pissed.


I sighed and looked at Vic again. I bury my face into the pillow and I hear Vic laugh a little.

"You wanna go the beach today?" He asked.

I let my eye peak out at Vic and I shrug.

"I uhh... don't k-know how to s-swim," I whispered, embarrassed.

"I'll teach you," he cheered.

"I-I don't even h-have swim- swimming stuff."

"We'll drop by your house."

My eyes grew wide but then I thought about it. My parents won't be home. Mum and Dad will be at work and hopefully my brother and sisters won't be at home. I'll steal Brittany's bikini.

But wait. My cuts. Everyone will see them.

I shook my head and Vic frowned.

"Why not?" He pouted.

"I-I just can't," I murmured.

He nodded and understood. He had a slight disappointed look on his face and I started to feel bad.


"Hmm?" He looked up at me.

"I-Im S-Sorry," I whispered.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand," he said and stroked my arm with his fingertips.

I smiled and he leaned in for a kiss. Our lips moved in sync and his hands were tangled into my hair.

Bulletproof Love (Vic Fuentes Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now