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I've never understood the difference between good and evil. Even the kindest souls has some sort of malicious presence deep inside.

Who was the first individual to establish the wicked from the righteous?

Two adolescents were placed in separate rooms. Both were presented with two objects; a gun and a knife. They were asked the question, "If someone broke into your house, how would you protect your family?" Child A chose the gun, quoting "it would kill them faster" While Child B chose the knife, quoting "I would wound them and call the cops".

I've pondered on this story for months, why didn't both children pick the gun? They could shoot an arm or leg and get it over with...but Child B made a point, while the robber shouldn't be commiting the crime...the child wanted both parties to retain justice. I wouldn't necessarily categorize Child A and B into the groups of  good or evil....the brain works in all sorts of ways.


"This train reeks of cologne and BO" Pansy coughed, sliding the door shut.

Pansy Parkinson. My best mate since year one when Hermione Granger shoved me in the great hall, causing me to trip on my robe in front of everyone. Now she whips anyone's ass who even looks at me wrong, I've done the same for her.

"Those repulsive 3rd and 4th years trying to hide the reality of puberty" Milo slid in behind her

"you've already made it through puberty?" I teased

Pansy let out a chuckle

"You my dear, should know better than anyone that I have" he winked and plopped down in the seat next to me.

"Keep dreaming bub" Pansy scoffed and began digging through her bag

"You're right, she'd never do such a thing" He glanced over to me and his lips curved into a smirk.

Milo Parkinson. He's definitely a ladies-man, That's for sure. Tall, fair skinned, decent build, and a properly structured face. We've hooked up a few times  (he's only a year younger than me...relax) Pansy doesn't technically know, I didn't feel the need to tell her I mean nothing had ever sparked from it, don't get me wrong he's a beautiful boy but he's just...not my type

"Finally, I was starting to think you guys were serious about dropping out last year" Blaise walked into the compartment.

"Babes!" Pansy jumped up into his arms.

"Ugh what's that smell?" Emerson followed behind Blaise, plugging her nose

"I would say your brother but it looks as if he finally showered this month" Milo gasped

"You don't get hot girls like your sister by showering, kiddo" Blaise winked at him

"You're a complete minger,  you know that Zabini?" Milo scoffed

They sat down and the train whistle began to blow, letting all the students know to get settled in for the next horrendous nine hour trip to Hogwarts.

"Has anyone seen the blondes?" Blaise asked

"I hope they didn't miss the train again" Pansy groaned

"Maybe they sat away from us this year...last year was kinda rocky for all of us" Emerson turned the page in her book.

Last year, rumors spread about Voldemort's return. All of our parents are death can put two and two together I presume.

"Well aren't you all a sight for sore eyes" River groaned as she walked in

"You look....lovely this morning Miss. River" Milo smirked and kissed her hand

"Uh..thanks" she scoffed

"Keep your eyes up and off my sister Parkinson" Draco slipped in quickly, shoving Milo's head.

Draco and River Malfoy. Their entire family is well known through the entire Wizarding World, wizard royalty pretty much. Their body counts could vanquish all of ours combined. But you know what they say..."Blondes have more fun"

"Just trying to be nice"

"Maybe you should "just try" something or anyone else." Draco sat down adjusting his trousers.

"Maybe I could try Ella?" Milo slid his hand up my thigh teasingly as I smacked it away.

"You'd be the only one that wanted to" Draco scoffed to Blaise

"Real classy" I sneered at them and looked back out the large window.

"Oh come on, you know I wouldn't be able to survive without your-" His eyes drifted over my body.

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable that I hadn't realized I was sitting with my legs slightly parted and my skirt had slid up partially.

"-well, maybe we can finish this conversation somewhere....private, Star?" Draco's eyes bore into mine.

"That's disgusting" River pretended to gag.

"Stop calling me that you pig!" I threw my bag at him.

First year in astronomy class, Professor Sinistral told everyone my name "Estella" came from the Occitan Origin and can be defined by "star". Since then, that's the only thing he calls me.

"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to get some rest on this nine hour train ride" Pansy adjusted in her seat and propped her head on the arm rest.

Everyone pulled out books, phone, and any other distractions for the long ride ahead of us.

They call us "The Serpents"...pretty cliché if you ask me. Think...If you mixed the "golden trio" with a few joints and Aderall pills....that defines the basics of our group.


"We're here" Pansy nudged me awake

"That was quick" I raised up yawning

Draco sat still staring, as if he'd watched me the whole nine hours. I stood from the seat and started out the door behind everyone else, Draco stood up and walked out behind me.

"Fix your skirt, I don't want anyone staring at your ass" he whispered in my ear as his hand slid around my waist.

"You say it like it's yours" I scoffed

"It's not?" He teased

"Wish all you want but no, it's not" I removed his hand from my waist

He let out a small laugh

"It will be...just you wait Star...just you wait"

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