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Another dream? What did that one have to do with the rest? Why was Harry in it?

Nothing was making sense about them anymore.


Draco's POV:

He walked into the dark library. It was much colder than he'd remembered.

"Hello?" He spoke into the void

No answer.

"Where was she?" He wondered. She was always there awaiting his arrival.

He walked to the table they sat at. A single book laid on it's wooden slate.

"Let the right one in" he ran his fingers over the cover.

He opened the lid and found all the pages to be ripped out except for one...one page which was highlighted...

"-there was something in her, something that was...pure horror. Everything you were supposed to watch out for. Heights, fire, shards of glass, snakes, Everything that his mom tried so hard to keep him safe from."

No...not his girl...it couldn't be. She was just a dream after all.

Where was she?

Did she run off?

Perhaps she didn't love him like she said...


Estella's pov: one week later

I walked down the cold bitter hall that led to the common room.  Since Pansy and I had a disagreement, I hadn't talked to any of my friends.

It wasn't such a big deal....Everyone seems to be doing their own thing anyway. Come to think of it, I haven't really seen anyone of them together besides River and Milo.

The common room was empty...the girls usually wait for me, before going to breakfast.

I walked to the great hall alone.

"Estella right?" Someone spoke softly

It wasn't familiar.

"Yeah.." I turned around

"I'm Hermione...Harry has told me a lot about you" she smiled

My dream last night made this introduction quite peculiar.

"He has?" I scoffed

"Don't tell him I said that of course" she laughed

"Tell me what?" Harry walked up behind her

"Nothing" she shook her head

"Hermione was just telling me about our new assignment in herbology" I interrupted


"Yeah...well I should get going. Nice to meet you hermione" I smiled


"You should join us for breakfast" she implied

"Oh...I don't really think that's a good idea"

"I guess you're right...your friends might-"

At this point the group wouldn't care where I was or what I did so what did I have to lose?

"On second thought...I'd love to join you guys" I smirked.

"Brilliant." Harry took my bag and walked into the great hall.

I took a deep breath before I walked in...a serpent waking in with the golden trio was the ultimate sin.

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