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A sharp breeze blew across my skin. The smell of firewood and cologne was forceful. No warmth. It felt though winter time was swiftly moving in. Impossible however; it's just now fall.

I rolled over to face Draco and found the bed vacant. Maybe he had gotten up to get dressed.


"Draco?" I called out

No answer.

I climbed off the mattress and began searching the room. I couldn't even remember what day it was. Do we have school today?

I walked into the the cold bathroom to splash some water on my face.

A yellow post-it stuck on the mirror read...

"Ur a heavy sleeper. Get dressed and get out. I have a date tonight @ 8 ;)


"Of course..fifth one this week, must be some kind of record" I scoffed, throwing the note into the trash.

I grabbed my shoes, and left.

Apparently today was a holiday so school was luck.

"Where have you been?" Pansy glanced from her book.

"It's a long story" I groaned

"Come sit." She closed the book and patted the couch.

I laid down with my head propped on her lap.

"Another dream, huh?" She ran her fingers through my hair.

I nodded

"Draco told me this morning" she sighed

"He told you?"

"I kinda forced it from him really. I wanted to know why he was yelling at the first years to "shut up" while they were walking passed his dorm" she laughed

"It was just another dream..nothing new"

"I'm worried about you,'s getting bad again" she hesitated

"I'm fine Pans, I swear" I looked up and smiled at her

"You can always talk to me, yeah?"

"I know" I raised up, fiddling with the hem of my skirt.


"What happened to you last night?" Harry walked into the library, kissing me on the cheek

"Nothing" I smiled faintly and continued to looking through my notes.

"I'm worried about you" he brushed his fingers against my thigh.

"I'm was just a bad dream" I scoffed

"About what?" He continued, sliding his fingers higher:

"Harry" I rolled my eyes, glancing up to him.

"Come on...we could sneak up to my room" he kissed the side of my neck

"It's daylight...everyone would see us" i scoffed

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