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(The picture is the vibes giving from Draco and Estella crashing the Gryffindor Party)

(Also the song is highly recommended as well)

A whole range of infinite possibilities in the world. One choice could lead to a whole new life or a bottomless pit of self destruction that you can't seem to dig yourself out of...I still haven't decided which we were.


Any minute now, Draco would walk downstairs expecting an evening with just the two of us.

Besides the nights I've sleep in his dorm...we really don't hang out much without the rest of the group.

I needed this, I've felt so out of place and lonely here recently..I'm hoping tonight will help.

"So..you interrupted my date for?" He walked in, dressed in his pajamas.

"You didn't have to say yes you know" I scoffed

"touché...so what did you have in mind?" he sat down on the couch.

Shit. How was I suppose to know?

"I'm not really sure...what do you wanna do?" I sat down on the opposite end.

He scoffed to himself and then glanced to me...staring me up and down.

"Absolutely not" I spat

"I didn't even say anything" he chuckled

"You didn't have to" I laughed

"Did you have something else in mind?" I asked

"Well...Gryffindor is hosting a "private party", we should go" he smirked

My stomach felt sick immediately

"I overheard Weasley talking about it in Slugghorn's class" he scoffed

"Oh...I'm not sure that's such a good idea Draco" I chuckled nervously.

"Cmon star, it'll be fun...Let's go get dressed and meet back in 10 minutes"

I nodded

I left the common room and grabbed a black dress from my closet. My stomach was turning at the thought of seeing Harry and the thought of Harry seeing me with Draco. All the possibilities that could go wrong...will go wrong I'm sure.



Once we got dressed, we headed towards the Gryffindor common room. My stomach continued doing flips the whole walk there.

"Why are you so quiet?" Draco asked as we stopped in front of the Portrait.

"It's nothing, ready?" I chuckled

"As I'll ever be" he winked before uttering a spell and the portrait let us in.

The music was loud and the common room was dark and smoky. The room was packed, no one would even notice we didn't belong I'm sure.

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