Chapter 5
Carisi walked down the hallway to his apartment. He pulled his soaking wet jacket off and draped it over his arm. The storm had come out of nowhere, and he had gotten caught in the middle of it. It had been a month since he had his chat with Carson, and they hadn't had any incidents yet. Maybe this is what their life was like now. Constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Finding a way to move on and still live their lives, but always knowing he was out there. He pushed the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door, he stepped inside.
He heard something coming quietly from inside and stopped in the doorway to listen for minute. Tru was singing along to matchbox 20. She loved that 90's grunge music. He chuckled to himself as he walked in.
She was standing in the kitchen, with her back to him. She had music coming from the smart speaker that was perched in the corner. He could hear her chopping something, the knife hit the wooden counter, once, twice. She was wearing one of his old concert tee's and a pair of shorts, her curly hair was thrown up with a claw clip, and her hips swayed in rhythm of the music as she hummed along. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her for a minute. He wanted to come up behind her, wrap her beautiful body in his arms and squeeze her tight. Maybe kiss her neck. But he didn't want to startle her, he wanted to watch her enjoy herself. He didn't even mind the wet clothes anymore.
"How was your day?" She asked, without turning around to look at him. He sighed in relief that she already knew he was there, and he didn't startle her, or ruin her moment.
"It was good," he walked up next to her, and took a look at the countertop: strawberries, oranges, watermelon, blueberries, all kinds of fruit cluttered its surface. "What are ya makin here?"
"I was in the mood for some fruit salad." Tru continued to chop the fruit and place it in the bowl.
He liked watching her, and he couldn't help but smile as he did so. A piece of her hair had slipped from the grasp of her claw clip and hung across her cheek. He reached up and gently tucked it behind her ear, rubbing her cheekbone with his thumb.
"I got this from the fruit stand around the corner, it's so good." Tru chopped a piece of strawberry and brought it to his lips. "You have to try it."
She slipped the piece of fruit inside his mouth and her fingertips lingered on his lips, her eyes caught his own. His heart began to swell, as he became aroused. With everything that had been going on the past few weeks, being romantic with each other was the last thing on their minds. But here in this moment it was the only thing on his mind.
Sonny lowered his mouth to hers and as he kissed her, gently, softly, but he felt fire there, and heat, and they poured into him, seared through him.
Tru's blood pounded in her veins nearly as hard as the rain on the roof above them as she rose up on tiptoes to meet him more than halfway.
Sonny kissed her gently at first, and then more passionately, devouring her mouth, he found her as hungry for him as he was for her. Unreserved fire and passion met him, incredibly. One hand cupped her face and the other wrapped around her waist, he lifted her up onto the countertop in front of him. His hands found their way to the claw clip, and he squeezed, letting her wild hair fall free. Her strong fingers slid into his own hair to pull his mouth down against hers.
Her body seemed to melt against his.
He could feel her, the fullness of her, the supple length of her against him, and the sheer need for intimacy overcame him.

She's Mine, He's Back.
Mystery / ThrillerFive years after surviving a brutal rape, Tru Jordan has moved on with her life with Detective Sonny Carisi. But when Tru's attacker, is suddenly released from prison, he throws a wrench in her entire world. Has he truly changed, like he claims, or...