Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Tru checked her phone for the fifth time on the drive home. Still no word from Abby. Something had to be wrong. Had Carson hurt her? Was she in danger? Was she tied up in his basement like Tru once was? Or worse?

"What's wrong?" Sonny asked, taking notice. "You keep checking your phone."

"I'm just worried." Tru said.

"Why? What's wrong?" Sonny asked again.

Tru sighed, "Okay, I probably should have told you this last night, but we had...other stuff to talk about. Do you remember Abby Bowen?"

"Yeah, of course I remember; the Hudson student that was raped—I took her disclosure, the case fell apart at trail." Sonny said. "I referred her to your clinic for counseling."

"Yeah, I've been seeing her for about 6 months or so." Tru heaved a heavy sigh, "Well last night I saw her out with her new boyfriend."

Sonny nodded, "So you're worried that she started dating too soon?"

"Not exactly," Tru said slowly. "Her new boyfriend was Carson."

"What?!" Sonny exclaimed, swerving out of his lane, he corrected and jerked the car back into the right lane. A car blew by them and blared their horn. "You ran into him again last night? He was with her? What happened? Why the hell didn't you tell me this last night?"

"She introduced me—I saw it was him—I made an excuse to bolt, and I shouldn't have. I should have told her right then who he was and what he had done." Tru was stammering, talking a mile a minute, letting all her guilt spill out. "Instead I just left her with him—god I'm so stupid!"

"You're not stupid, you were just surprised." Carisi tried to comfort her.

"I tried calling her, and texting her, I even went by her dorm, and she wasn't there."

Tru picked up her phone and rang Abby's number again. "Straight to voicemail."

Sonny sighed, "Okay, here's what we're gonna do; I'm gonna drop you off at home and then I'm gonna go find her."

"I wanna go with you." Tru said.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Sonny said, "You heard the doctor; you don't need the stress and the conflict, you just need to be at home where it's safe. It's better for both of you."

"So, I can go home, sit there all alone and worry my brains out? You think that's better for the baby then just going with you?" Tru asked.

Sonny sighed and looked over at her then back to the road.

"I need to do this, Sonny." Tru said.

"Alright," Sonny sighed heavily, "But first sign of trouble and you're out of there. I mean it."

Sonny turned on his police light and made a quick U-turn, effortlessly avoiding any moving cars.

"Where are you going? The dorms are that way." Tru pointed in the other direction.

"We're not going to the dorms, you already checked there, we're gonna start somewhere else." Sonny clenched his jaw and gripped the steering will tighter. Tru could see his knuckles beginning to turn white.

"Carson's..." A realization washed over her; they were going to Carson's. "How do you know where he lives?"

Sonny didn't reply, he just looked over at her and they locked eyes for a minute. He had been keeping an eye on him, she knew it now. All the time he had spent away from home lately, wasn't because he was avoiding her, he had been keeping tabs on him this entire time. A myriad of emotions flooded her. She wanted to scold him, tell him how stupid it was, how he was risking his job and jeopardizing the lawsuit. But she also wanted to throw her arms around him and hold him tight for being so protective and going out of his way to guard her.

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