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It's been a week since I moved in with big brother Izuku. He's taught me some English, Mathematics, and told me stories of quirks.

Next week he said we'll watch videos of science. Brother Izuku likes to draw a lot and so I draw with him! He taught me how to draw a candy apple!
Brother told me how we'll go to a quirk doctor next this afternoon since I don't know what my quirk is and because I'm 5 years old.

I told him how my horn glows and that I think it has to do with my quirk. My life has changed a lot since I met brother and I feel for once I'm happy.


Deku POV

This afternoon I told Eri how I'll take her to a quirk doctor. I don't trust any of the doctors though. If a villian wanted her than her quirk is probably rare and valuable to others like mine.

So since I don't trust doctors I thought of trying to contact that nurse at the U.A highschool, the pro hero recovery girl.

I've found multiple sites of what her number is and I've been trying them out while Eri is drawing on the counter.

"Hey is this recovery girl?" I asked through the dial. "Yes, do you need help dear?" It sounded how she sounded on tv so I continued.

"We'll I was wondering if you could check out my little sisters quirk. She turned five a while back and I don't trust any other doctors or nurses." I explained to her.

"Sure, I'm actually free this afternoon since the hero's haven't gotten hurt lately, what's you name young man?" She asked.

"Uhh you can call me Deku. Where should I meet you at?" I responded than asked. "Meet me at the front of U.A I'll see you there." She said.

"Thank you alot Recovery Girl." I thanked. "No problem dearly." Beep. The call ended.

"Get you shoes and socks on Eri we're going to check to see what your quirk is!" I said exitedly. "Yay! I hope I have a cool quirk!"

"I'm sure you will Eri." As me and Eri were putting our shoes on she asked to show me something. "Can I show you something brother!" "Sure go right ahead."

She ran to the counter and picked up a drawing that showed me and her on it. It looked really good and neat for a five year old.

"That's amazing Eri! Say what, when we get back we'll hang it on the fridge!" I said hugging her. "Yay!"


Recovery Girl POV ✌️

This afternoon will be pleasant. I don't normally take quirk tests but it'll be nice to do so every once and awhile.

As I was standing at the gate waiting for the two young kids I saw Eraserhead and Present Mic pass by.

"What are you doing here Recovery Girl!"
Present Mic asked me using his quirk. "I'm awaiting for a young boy and his little sister so we could check her quirk. The young boy didn't trust other doctors and personally called me."

"What if it turns out to be a trap.?" Aizawa asked in his bored tone. "Why so negative Eraserhead!!!" Again Mic yelled using his quirk.

"We'll I never thought of that." I said putting a hand on my check. "It's fine!!! We can stay and protect you if it's a trap my friend!!!" Guess who said that. (Almighty dude)

"Why thank you, though I don't think it's a trap, we'll just have to see for our selves dear." I said.



The three pro heros were waiting for the two figures to appear since school was over and the students were probably at the dormitories.

They saw two approaching figures coming near the gates from the side. Is was a young boy with green hair and a little girl with a light blue-gray hair.
"I can't wait to see what my quirk is Brother!" Eri said skipping while holding Deku's hand. As they neared the gates they saw three pro heros. Eri saw one that were familiar.

"Your Recovery Girl! The one from tv!" She said in excitement while looking at her. "I wanna save a lot people like you!" She said again.

"Hi I'm Deku, and this is my little sister Eri." He explained. "I turned 5 awhile ago!" Eri exclaimed. "That's great deary, let's go see if you have progressed your quirk yet.

Recovery a girl envied them to her nursery along with Eraserhead and Present Mic.



"So...what's her quirk?" Deku asked. "Her quirk is quite rare. It's called rewind. She has the ability to rewind time on an object or living thing. She should be careful though cause she could rewind time on someone before they were even born."

"It's fine, see that Eri you got a really cool quirk." He told her hoping she'd be happy. "But what if I hurt you Brother..." she said looking sad.

"If you want I can give her a quirk canceling bracelet til she could learn to control her quirk. Most quirks are based on emotion so if she gets a mad or sad temper she might lose control." Recover girl explained.

"That would be neat, you can take it off at home Eri but you can wear it in public." Deku said. "I won't be able to hurt you right Brother?" She asked looking a little more happy.

"That's right! Why don't we go get candy apples after this and you can wear you bracelet in public." Deku said to cheer her up even more.

"Yay! I love candy apples!" She said putting her wrist out for the bracelet. Recovery girl attached the bracelet around her wrist.

"Your free to go." Recovery Girl said. "Thank you Recovery Girl." Deku got out a envelop from his pocket and gave it to recovery girl.

"Have a good day young one!!" Present Mic said but not to loud scared to hurt the little girls ear.

One the two sibling left recovery girl decided to open the envelope. Present Mic was curious what they might've wrote I said envelope and Aizawa was just there cause Mic was. (Ahem. Simp. Ahem.) As she opened the envelope she read the front of the card.

Thank you for checking for her quirk. Me and Eri's parents died when we were young ever since it's just been me and her. It means a lot to see her happy especially since she's the only person I really care about. Thank you and enjoy your present.


As she opened the card something fell out. It was an official check signing two million yen. Their mouths fell open. Where did he get this amount of money at such a young age.




Omnikinesis; A reason to live: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now