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Featuring the hero course and others.



Deku and Eri were getting dressed up for the sports festival that Eri has been dying to go to. Eri getting her regular red dress, with a white sleeved shirt, black leggings, and brown boots.
Meanwhile deku was getting his dark grey jacket on with jeans and his occasional red shoes.
With that they were set to go. Deku slipped his VIP pass around his neck and Eri put her VIP around her neck. Deku kept his wallet, phone, and the tickets in his pocket.
As they arrived to where the sports festival was held they saw Recovery Girl and some other pro heros at the VIP entrance.
Me and Eri walked over there and greeted Recovery Girl. "Thank you Miss Recover Girl for giving me and my brother tickets and VIP passes!" Eri said bowing. Deku following suit.

"No dear, your brother was very generous. This is the least I can do." She said with a eye close smile.
She let them pass through the doors and into the waiting area where the new heros would prepare for the festival.
Eri had brought a note book to ask them questions about becoming heros. Deku's glad she's having fun. Using his quirk Deku now had a box of popcorn in my hand.


Aizawa POV

My students have been training for the Sports festival and now here we are the festival about to start. While in the 1-a waiting room I see to familiar people walk in and sit by the window.
"So you and Eri got VIP from Recovery Girl after all." I said walking up to them. "Hey Eraserhead." Deku greeted. "Hey Mister Eraser!" If that's what she's gonna call me than I guess I'll have to live with it. "Mr Aizawa who Are they green head kid and the adorable little girl?!" Mina asked me. "There the VIP I informed you guys about."
"Oh, Deku and Eri, right?" Sero said/asked. I just nodded. Today was going to be a long day. It just got worse cause of someone that's about to make a big mistake.


Deku POV

In the 1-a waiting room this student with pink hair and skin, if I'm being honest she looked like an alien, asked who we were which Eraserhead answered.
I geuss he told them that there would be VIP. One student even knew me and Eri's names.
Than someone made a big mistake. "Eri, you look so beautiful, when your my age do you want to go on a date?" A midget who looked like a grape asked.
Eri was confused though. I mean I didn't explain what dating was so it makes sense. I mean she's just a kid she won't dare until she's 16. And it has to be someone I approve of too.
"Eri...." I started. "Yes brother Deku.!" She responded. Good. Good. "Why don't you go ask the future students about being a hero and write down things in your journal like you wanted. While I talk to this grape person." I mumbled the next part.
"Okay! Yay!" She said sparkles in her eyes. "Eraser, watch over her." I dragged the grape midget outside of the room. "Please mister don't hurt me I-i was joking." He said.
"We'll that's to bad... now isn't it." I want you to bounce like a ball than fly around the hall until I want you to stop. Just like that it happened.



While brother went to go talk to the short grape man he told me to ask what being a hero was about and analyze. "What does it mean to be a hero?" I asked pencil in hand journal open.
"We'll to be a hero it takes courage and the ability to make others smile." A man with red spikes hair said pounding his fist together.
"I remember you! Your Echiko's older brother!" I knew he looked familiar. "That's me! Nice to see ya agin Eri."
I saw someone with spike blond hair sooo I went to ask him. He seemed to be resting. I walked up to him about to pull his shirt when.

"Uhh be careful he's not really the nice type." A guy with yellowish blonde hair with a black bolt through his hair told me. I nodded in response.
"Hey Mister." I said pulling on his shirt. "What do you fuc-" he opened his eyes. "I mean. What is it."
"Do you have to be strong to save others from getting hurt?" I asked him holding my journal out. "Well if it's to save people from getting hurt than yes, but there other ways to be a hero. Recovery Girl to be example she saves people by healing them making her a hero." He exclaimed.
"I wanna be like Recovery Girl! Mister Eraser, can I heal people like her!?" I asked him.

"We'll Eri with you quirk you would be able to heal a persons body. But you have to gain control and practice with your quirk." He told me.
"That's so cool! Me and brother Deku were practicing yesterday on the padio! And I turned an apple into a seed!" I said jumping.
"Eri, what exactly is your quirk? kero." Samidare and Satsuki's older sister asked. "Umm well...." If I tell them my quirk will they be scared of me.
After my tough decision of telling them or not Mister Eraser told them for me. "Well, Eri's quirk is called rewind. She can rewind time on any object or living thing."

Please, don't be scared of me. Please, don't be scared of me. I just looked down at the ground. "That's so cool!" "Think of all the things you could do!" "You could heal people by rewinding a person's body before they go hurt!" "You'll be a great hero!"
They were encouraging me.
"Really?!" I said looking at them. "Yes! You can be a great hero." A Mister with dark blue hair and glasses said. "When I become a hero I'll protect you guys and Brother Deku!" I said.
Than we heard a loud crash. I mean we heard a few noises that were hitting the walls before but this one was louder than usual.
Than I saw brother Deku and short grape man walk in through the door. "Is short grape midget man okay? He looks beaten up. Did you run into a villian!? Are you okay brother!?" Is he okay. I'll destroy any villian that will try to hurt my friends and brother.

"Don't worry Eri, me and short grape midget man were just playing a small game of tag and he accidentally tripped." Yay.! "We'll I'm glad your okay! Geuss what Brother Deku. Mister Eraser said I could be a great hero like Recovery Girl one day!"

"I'm sure you'll be the best!" He told me.



Omnikinesis; A reason to live: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now