9- Amuesment Park?

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That's right Eri gets to go on a roller coaster for the second time, after all life is a whole roller coaster itself.



Brother Dekiru promised to take me on a roller coaster. I saw it on tv and thought it was cool! It's summer turning into fall and he said that's one of the best times to go to an amusement park!
Here we are now getting ready to go. I think the beat thing to where to an amusement is park would be shorts to my knees and a shirt. I'm really excited to go. I wonder what it feels like to go on a roller coaster.



Eri was wearing long blue shorts with a red t-shirt while Deku had on grey pants with a green shirt. They both wore tennis shoes so their legs wouldn't hurt while walking all day. But if they were to get tired Deku would just carry his little sister.
Back on track Deku hired an Uber them their for it was quite a long walk. Walking out the door they saw a car in which the driver was waving at them. The two got in the back seat while they were driven to the park. The drive there Eri was just looking out the window while deku did small talk with the driver about where there going and why. "Here we are! Have fun day you two!" The driver told them "Thanks you too mister Uber driver man!" They waved and walked inside the gate.

In a section in the park they had bought member wrist bands and decided to go ride some well rides. Eri being 5-6 years old couldn't ride all the rides without an older person with her. "So Eri how about you choose what to ride first.!" Deku yelled a little loud so he could be heard over voices from the crowded park. "Can I try a roller coaster..?" She asked. "Sure. Let's just hope you take well to motion sickness..." "motion sickness is when you get like very very dizzy, right?" She asked waiting for confirmation. Deku just nods in response.

Deku decides to start off with a small roller coaster to see how'll she'll like it. It's a small coaster that went in a circle but it had one part where it went up about 2-3 yards and back down. She really seemed to like it a lot. You could tell by how she was smiling and putting her hands in the air like she just don't care. After we got off the ride Deku asked Eri if she wanted to do a different ride or a larger rollercoaster. "Can we do the bumper carts!?" She asked. 


Their day went as any other day. Having fun. Surviving. Essentials. Eri had never experienced such a fun, active, and tiring thing. Ever. Although the day was fun all things come to a end. They had to go home.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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