4-Quirk Training?

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Deku said he'd teach me to control my emotions so I can control my quirk. In brother Deku and i's house we have a padio and big backyard. He said today I would try fast forwarding objects and rewinding them as well. I don't know if I can fast forward though since my quirk is called rewind.

"You can take of your bracelet Eri, I promise your quirk won't hurt me." "If you promise it doesn't hurt you I guess I'll take it off..."
"Okay Eri, you see this apple. Try turning it into a seed by wanting it to be a seed."



As Eri was having a stare down with the apple Deku watched suddenly has her horn glowed and the apple started to glow. It turned into a smal seed. "I did it!" She smiled at Deku. "Good job! Let's see if your able to fast forward things too."
Eri's horn started to glow again as she stared at the seed. The seed disappeared out of existence.

"It seems you can only rewind things but your making progress Eri. I'm proud of you."
Eri smiled at the fact and looked at another object he brought out. It was a pencil. The pencil along with Eri's horn started to glow and the pencil turned into a small piece of stripped wood.

Deku held his hand out and a candy apple appeared. "How'd you do that Brother Deku!??!!?" This is the most confused and surprised Eri has ever been.
"I'll tell you Eri but you have to keep it a secret from everyone including the people you trust."

"I will Big Brother Deku!" She said saluting. "My quirk is called Omnikinises. It allows me to control any thing that exists. Let's say I wanted a cloud to come float down to us." In that second fog surrounded them than disappeared. "Does that mean it's a rare quirk like mine?" Eri asked. "That's right. We have to keep it a secret so others don't try to steal our quirks though!" "Hai!"

Deku's phones started ringing. "Hello is this deku?" A tired voice came. "Yes." He responded. "Are you planning on going to the sports festival?" He asked again. "Why would you want to know.?" He asked with suspicion. "Makes sense. Recovery Girl as a thanks for the yen you gave her for like no reason wanted to give you and your sister VIP tickets. The VIP tickets allow you to talk to the students and sit with Present Mic and Eraserhead as referees."
"That's great. I'm sure Eri would love too." Deku said kinda surprised. "We sent you the tickets and VIP passes so you don't have to wait in along line tomorrow for the tickets." The voice came again. "Wow thanks. I don't know what to say."

With that information the call ended. "I'll be right back stay here. Keep practicing. My quirk will protect you." Deku left to go check the mailbox or porch for the passes and tickets. Luckily it was on the porch. He headed to the padio and got curious looks from Eri. "What's that brother?" Eri asked. "We'll you see Recovery Girl was able to get us tickets and VIP passes." Deku told her pulling out the passes that could be put around their necks. "Yay!"

"Brother, I think I'll be able to control my quirk.!" She said. She looked at a cupcake and it turned into batter. "That's the spirit!" Good job Eri.


PooShort chapter. Enjoy?

Omnikinesis; A reason to live: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now