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~ No More Clothes ~

I walk up to Master's house and knock on the door. I wait for a response. Nothing. I knock again. Still nothing. I see lights on, but I don't hear anything. I feel my phone buzz and there's an email from Master. "Come in" is all it says. What the hell? This feels ominous. My heart starts to race.

I walk in, strip down to nothing. I have no more clothes to remove now. Guess he gets to see all of me. Very nervous. What will he think of my breasts? They aren't perfect. They sag, one is bigger than the other.

I don't look around as I take my clothes off and fold them up. I place them next to the mat by the door and I kneel. I've been practicing. Feet flat, knees together, and my hands are on my back. I finally look around and I almost jump. There he is. Sitting there with a drink in hand watching me. Umm. We may have to discuss that!

I adjust my head, keep my eyes down. I can hear him get up and I don't know where he went. After what feels like an eternity, he comes back and stands in front of me.

His crotch is all I see. And believe me, I can see the outline. I feel myself getting aroused. He reaches out and pets my head. His hand moves down my face, tracing my jaw and down my neck. His hand hesitates right above by left breast. He slowly drags his index finger down my breast and grazes my nipple. My nipple stands at attention. It wants attention and to my dismay shows it. My eyes have wandered, and I find myself staring at his crotch. I want it. So badly.

He steps back and I quickly move my eyes down. I know he saw, but maybe he won't say anything.

"Follow me, but crawl." He commands.

God, I missed his voice. So sexy. I start to crawl, not having learned anything related to this but I feel like crawling is easy enough. He walks to the couch and sits down.

"Kneel between my legs, Rose. Face me." He tells me.

I get myself in a kneeling position, but apparently not close enough to him because he reaches forward and moves me closer. My head is right at his thigh.

"Relax, Rose. Put your head on my thigh and just relax." He tells me as he guides my head to lay on his thigh. He pets my head as I get comfortable.

"Good girl." He whispers. God, as if I wasn't dripping already! I think I'll have a mess to clean up now.

"We need to talk, Rose." He says warily.

Shit. I think. This can't be good.

"First, I want to tell you that you have a beautiful body. Thank you for being brave and letting me see it. How do you feel now that you have no clothes to hide behind?" He asks.

I'm blushing. My heart is racing. But I'm also wondering when he will let me see his.

"Ok, Master. I feel awkward, but I think that will pass" I say

Maybe once you're naked too ;) I think to myself.

"I can't wait to explore your body, Rose. I'm definitely a boob guy and I will very much enjoy yours. But before I can do that, we have to talk about what has happened since I last saw you." He says.

I look up at him as he continues to pet my hair and look into my eyes.

"Yes Master." I say softly.

"Do you remember my rules? I want you to tell me my everyday rules. They don't have to be in order." He says to me.

I go over them daily and have written them down to help me remember them.

"No umms. I need to call you Master." I pause. I know there are six and I only said two. He watches me patiently, he reaches down and takes my right hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. It helps calm me down. He can be sweet when he wants to be.

I clear my throat, "Honesty, no masturbating or touching myself." A deep blush rushes over me. I never asked to play during these weeks without him and he knows. He fucking knows. And if he didn't, he does now because my bright red face is a dead giveaway. "Don't touch what's yours without asking, and if I break a rule I need to ask for forgiveness." I tell him.

Shit. SHit. SHIT!!! I'm screwed.

He nods his head as I say every one of his rules. He remains calm. Doesn't give me any clues as to what he's thinking.

"Very good, Rose." He praises. "Tell me, Rose, how long has it been since we last saw each other?"

"Two weeks, Master." I reply.

"And how long has it been since your last orgasm?" He asks

"Three days, Master." I say quietly.

"Three days, huh? That's interesting since you never asked me if you could orgasm. Why didn't you ask me, Rose?" He calmly asks me.

"I was embarrassed." I reply.

"You were embarrassed that you have a natural need? A need that most everyone has? Why do you think that is?"

"I think it stems from my childhood. I was taught that masturbation was sinful, that even in marriage, when you are allowed to have sex then, it is still not ok to masturbate. I do it, but I don't like anyone to know I need to."

"I see. I do need to punish you for this disobedience you showed. But I don't want it to get in our way tonight. I have a lot planned for us. For now, I want you to crawl to your room and I will be in soon." He tells me. 

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