Author's Note

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A Drarry Story and a 'soulmate' story. A SLOW build...

Set in an AU in which Minerva McGonagall rescues Harry Potter from the Dursley's after barely eight weeks there and she raises him as her own son. This is only made possible because of their ancestry and, therefore, what the past and the future means for Harry. Despite his happy childhood with Minerva, once Harry starts his schooling at Hogwarts, he seems trapped in world of trouble and constant turmoil and it seems unlikely that he'll ever find peace as year after year he faces one trauma or another until it finally escalates into a war at which he is centre. Even when the war is over, life is unsettled and messy, and never simple, especially when he 'bumps' into Draco Malfoy again. And particularly as Harry's coping with wandless magic that seems to be verging on dangerous, it is, after all, a form of accidental magic. Or is it? Harry's life becomes about Teddy and the Aurors and dealing with criminals and strange arson cases, and then, just before his twenty-second birthday, he gets a surprising letter that turns his world upside down again. It's a story about finding soulmates (there's no helpful tattoo or name which appears), for others it's about what happens when their soulmate deserts them out of fear or leaves them or is taken prematurely. It's a story about following your heart and pursuing your passions. Above all, this is a story about forgiveness, of both others and ourselves when we get things wrong. It's a story about love of all kinds. It's a story about making peace with the past and building a new future.

This story has been a long time in the writing. It was prompted by @crimsonkiten who commented on one of my other stories that they wanted an AU where Minerva raises Harry. I decided to break my rule of only writing post-war stories and the nature of this story means I have delved into JK Rowling's books/the movies. The story is split into three parts with Part One dealing with the Hogwarts years, which I have kept to a minimum, focusing on specific aspects and telling events from other POVs, such as Draco, Minnie, Remus, (even Umbridge) etc. The cannon doesn't change dramatically (apart from the relationship between Harry, Minerva, and the Dursleys) until after the war (plus one aspect in year six). I've not changed the main events. I've refrained from re-telling the Golden Trio's adventures in any detail because I assume everyone knows what happens. I've included some Wolfstar/Marauders in this part.

To keep the authenticity of JKR's stories, I use conversations from the original books/films throughout Part One. Some of the Battle of Hogwarts scene is taken from the WB script so it includes stuff which was cut from the movie (but should have been included, IMHO e.g. like Narcissa giving the wand to Draco or some of the stuff that Ron says to Draco). For the Wolfstar and Marauders aspects of this story, I have included some of the head-cannons along the way, plus my own take.

WARNING: This is a Drarry story, it follows their competitiveness and adversary through Hogwarts but I make you wait... There are chapters which deal with the physical abuse (not sexual) of Harry by Vernon Dursley, I read that JKR originally intended this but her publishers made her cut it out. It's definitely alluded to in the books though and Vernon threatens Harry with violence more than once. There is also a chapter which deals with suicidal thoughts. I forewarn the relevant chapters. This storyline contains discussions and scenes of a sexual nature, and swearing (Gawain Robards and Ron were, at times, an exercise in creative swearing).

In this story, older Harry is a sexual being, and I include some scenes that are sexual but it is very relevant to the plot and not PWP (will forewarn). Harry is pansexual and there's a bit of experimenting going on, so it includes a short-lived bit of Harmione as they find solace in each other even though they know they're not meant to be! I just thought it made an interesting angle to explore. I'm not Ron-bashing, in this story he has his own problems after the war, he's not cruel or bigoted or nasty, he simply hasn't dealt with PTSD well and makes some bad decisions - who doesn't do that? It comes good in the end. It's a story about divisions, grief, trauma, and people dealing with PTSD in different ways, and not always the best way so it's also about forgiving people their mistakes.

All rights to the fabulous Harry Potter universe belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. No money is being made. Just a bit of fun...

Hope you enjoy xx

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