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When Bill Weasley stepped through the Floo into the main hall at Beaumont holding Victoire tightly, he nearly forgot to step out of the way before his wife and baby Dominque arrived straight after him.

'Oh my goodness,' said Fleur. 'Harry has a grand house, has he not?'

Molly rushed forward to take Dominque. And suddenly they were being introduced to Narcissa Malfoy who was speaking fluent French to Fleur. And Teddy and Victoire were already running off together.

'Teddy!' shouted Harry after the boy, 'don't go near the water without Ammy.'

'Awww! Da!!!' but he was already dragging Victoire out of the door and a House-Elf had appeared and Harry was sending wandless traces and wards at the kids.

'They'll be fine,' said Bill as he followed Harry to the door. He let out a low whistle when he saw the grounds. 'It's quite something, Harry.'

'I know. Still not used to it,' Harry grimaced, slightly embarrassed.

Bill laughed as he turned in the spot in the courtyard, staring up at the turrets and the four storeys of sandstone walls. 'Are you sure it's big enough?'

Harry shook his head. 'It's crazy. I think I've got a business idea brewing, so I can make use of some of this. Otherwise, it all seems a bit affluent and pretentious.'

'But you've got a Quidditch pitch,' said Bill, grinning. 'And that makes up for having to suffer all this grandeur...'

'I'll live, I suppose,' said Harry and they walked side-by-side with Hercules, checking Teddy and Victoire weren't heading to the lake without supervision.

'You always did love Quidditch. Do you remember as a little boy? McGonagall used to let you come down to the pitch with me and watch the Quidditch classes.'

Harry laughed. 'Merlin, it was all so innocent back then. You know, I absolutely idolised you. I thought you were the best Quidditch player in the world. I wanted to be just like you.'

'Careful, Harry, all that flattery can go to a man's head.'

'Yeah, well, I was only six. I soon grew up and learnt Charlie was far better!'

'Oi!' but Bill laughed.

They wandered side by side in silence for a while, mostly trying to keep an eye on Teddy and Victoire, though Hercules and Ammy were doing a better job of herding them away from the lake.

'Harry,' said Bill, after a pause. 'I was going to let you know tomorrow but as I'm here. Something came up at the bank on Friday, connected with Triple-F. The Jarndyce account, I don't know if you remember, it was the main holding account that Finch-Fletchley used. We kept it open because there were some cash deposits made which couldn't be traced back to Finch-Fletchley. Well, it's just become active again. Small amounts of cash have been trickling in from Europe, not enough to raise flags. But then a lump of galleons has just been withdrawn.'

'Withdrawn? But surely only Triple-F could do that?'

'Apparently not. There's a suggestion this means there is another key holder. Maybe even the keyholder, from what we could work out, though Finch-Fletchley seemed to have control of it all and he was transferring the large lumps of money into it from his other accounts.'

Harry raised an eyebrow. 'I wonder if this links to the gathering...'


'Yeah, we've had a sudden influx of Voldemort's inner circle coming out of hiding or, rather, trying to return to the UK. You'll have to raise this with Nev tomorrow. I'm out of the office for the moment, though he'll keeping in the loop.'

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