With Immediate Effect

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'Oh, Master Harry, Master Draco! Oh no! Oh no! And I is bringing you breakfast and now it is being ruined,' wailed Letty. 'And the room, what is happened to the room, what will Ossy say? Oh, Ossy!' she snapped away only to return a few moments later with Ossy and Ammy by her side.

Draco had rolled off Harry, mortified, and Harry pulled the throw from the foot of the broken bed, wrapping it around his waist as he stood up. 'I'll sort it out,' he said. 'I'm responsible for the mess.'

'No, Master Harry,' Ossy was horrified. He kept tugging on his ears in distress.

'Yes. It won't take me long and Draco was suggesting updating. But, more than that, I need to make the room safe for us for if my magic gets out of control again.'

'Master Harry's accidental magic is being very bad, sir. You is needing help with it. But you is bonded with Master Draco now so perhaps this is helping. I is going to get Miss Hermione and Miss Pansy after you is having breakfast. They is helping too.'

'Hermione's at work...' Harry muttered; not entirely sure he liked the way his life was being arranged for him without any say by a House-Elf. He'd been through that before in the second year at school and it hadn't been very enjoyable or successful back then.

'Yes, Master Harry, but she is coming here straight away to be help with you. She will be coming. It is being most urgent. But first you must be showering and be walking Mr Hercules and not being like a teenage boy loafing in a smelly bed and messy room all day.' The elf wrinkled his nose. 'We is fixing you both a new breakfast, you is eating it in the breakfast room,' and he snapped his fingers to vanish away the mess the dropped tray had made, because that obviously made a world of difference in the middle of the mayhem. The elves disappeared hurriedly as Harry scowled.

'I'M TWENTY-TWO, YOU KNOW,' he shouted into thin air. 'I'm not loafing about like a teenage boy,' he muttered.

When Harry turned around, Draco was laughing.


'Honestly! Your face! Quit sulking, Potter and go and get in the shower. I'm going to design your new bedroom for you...'

'...for us. Apparently we're in this together, as a couple, with immediate effect. There's no escaping now, Malfoy!'

'Merlin-help-me! Yes, I realise. And do you really think I'm going anywhere after having just found my soulmate? So, stop being grumpy with your lot, you'll ruin a perfect morning. Come on, I need to go to work. I have patients to see but you can get it sorted by the time I'm back,' he got out of bed and crossed the room to Harry.

Harry couldn't help his gaze roving across Draco's naked body. It was all flat plains and angles and dips and sharpness and solid muscles. He loved it.

Draco wended his arms around Harry's waist, 'and stop looking at me like that! Go and get in the shower, H. It sounds like we've got a long day ahead of us.' He kissed Harry on the lips, a peck, that both dismissed Harry and left him wanting more. 'Go on, chip-chop!' he smirked and slapped Harry's arse.

Hermione was already at the Ministry in a breakfast meeting with Kingsley Shacklebolt when a distressed House-Elf in a smart sage-green livery with a golden phoenix crest on the chest appeared beside her, much to both her and Kingsley's surprise.

The elf rang its hands anxiously, bowing low before saying, 'apologies Miss Granger, but you is needed most urgently when your meeting with the important Minister is finished. I is needing your help with Master Harry. I is waiting outside to take you.' The elf pointed vaguely at the door from the meeting room before tugged on its ears, nearly painfully.

Hermione furrowed her brow, confused by the arrival. Clearly 'Master Harry' could only mean Harry, but...

'Oh,' she said, 'you must be from Beaumont Hall.'

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