A Cautious Allegiance

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It was shortly after Harry's escapade into the Ministry that Severus knocked on Minerva's office door again and she found herself facing the sallow-looking man. He looked stressed, she decided, and that offered her a modicum of satisfaction. At least he wasn't having an easy ride of things. He got what he deserved.

'Minerva,' said Severus.

'Severus,' she replied, waiting.

'I don't suppose you've heard from your son,' he asked in a bored tone.

'You suppose right,' she replied tartly. She watched him through narrowed eyes as he lingered uncomfortably by the door. His right arm tucked oddly beneath his professorial gown.

'And do you know what he's doing?'

'No. He didn't share it with me. He refused to, so that when you, specifically, came trying to extract the information from me, I would have nothing to share.'

'Indeed.' He watched her closely. 'Do you know where he's going?'

'No. You know the separation between us was acrimonious. I doubt he will be contacting me any time soon.' She sighed.

'Yes, everyone knows the separation was... acrimonious.' He seemed to be able to put extra syllables in the word.

'It's not as if he has Hedwig to send me a jolly little letter about his adventure into the Ministry and why on earth he'd take such a foolhardy risk. I'm sure the Owl Post is being watched anyway.'

'You're right,' he drawled and she wasn't sure if he was referring to Harry's risk or the Owl Post being monitored. 'It was a remarkable risk. Successful, I believe, in whatever he wanted to achieve.'

'I have no idea,' she said, not missing that Severus had just passed her some information. 'Are we going to go through this charade at the beginning of every conversation we have, covering the same ground, the same questions, with the same answers.'

'Obviously,' he drawled. 'Then I am never lying if I'm asked if I have been trying to extract... the information from you.'

There was a hint of distaste in his tone and she raised an eyebrow at his admission.

'I see. The replies will always be the same though.'

'Obviously.' Every letter of the word enunciated and drawn out.

A silence fell as he looked around her office, still hovering uncomfortably near the door, neither coming nor going, as if still making up his mind what to do. His posture suspicious, his hand still hidden beneath his robes.

He turned to leave.

'Severus, was there something else that you wanted?' she asked, her intrigue aroused.

He turned back, a fleeting glance of worry, then determination hardened his face. She didn't trust him.

'I have a favour to ask.'

'A favour...' she repeated slowly.

'Yes.' He strode over to her desk, his gown billowing slightly and to her surprise, he withdrew the Sword of Gryffindor and laid it on her desk. 'I think it might be more... fitting if this... artefact was kept in your office, considering the connection.'

She waited.

'I have heard a rumour that some students may recklessly attempt to steal it from my office. That cannot happen. There will be a time when it is imperative that this sword is passed to the right person. I cannot risk having to remove it from the school to another secure location. The Ministry have already held on to it for too long.'

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