The Final Battle

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Draco slipped into the shadows and then turned away, unsure whether he'd ever see his friend again. Perhaps he should have confided in Blaise more, it appeared he understood all along. Too late now. Now he had to see what Greg and Vince were up to and possibly stop them. It would mean overtly crossing the line but maybe now was the time to make his allegiances clear, though he'd prefer to wait until he knew his mother was safe.

He cast a Disillusionment Charm, it was easier that way, and he slipped across the huge entrance hall just as McGonagall raised her wand and said 'Piertotum Locomotor.' He knew he would have liked to stop and watch as all along the corridors statues and suits of armour came to life. On the outside of Hogwarts too, all those stone statues that he'd ignored, year in year out, had jumped down from their plinths and fell into formation as she directed them forward to protect the school.

She really is a formidable queen, he thought. No wonder Potter is fiercely defensive of her. But he had to press on. He had to find Vince and Greg. As he made his way up the grand staircase, he saw Flitwick, and Sprout, and Slughorn join McGonagall in casting a magical shield over the entire school.

He searched aimlessly, uncertain where they might be. He wondered if the Dark Lord had told them to guard something or whether they were hopelessly targeting Potter too.

Potter was looking for something. Where did you hide something in Hogwarts...?

Salazar, he nearly slapped his own forehead.

He hoped Potter had realised too as he raced towards the seventh-floor corridor. He could hear muted explosions and knew the Death-Eaters were attacking the shield. He wondered if his father was down there, standing beside Voldemort, without a wand because Voldemort had taken his first one and Potter had taken his spare. He thought that perhaps he ought to be angry with Potter for leaving his father vulnerable but he found he didn't care.

He saw Potter stumble in the corridor as he ran towards the Room of Requirement. He was staggering against an unseen force, roaring in agony, and when Draco saw his eyes, he stopped in shock for his irises burned red as if they reflected the glow of the guttering wall sconces where he'd steadied himself.

For a moment, everything seemed frozen and Draco knew that something important had happened.

Outside, the sky turned white, and the shield trembled, then it began to flake and fall.

It was followed by an enormous explosion which shook the castle and went to his core. He looked out to see the spanning bridge splintering into the night sky in a blaze of light. Then he saw the red in Potter's eyes fade as a window imploded inwards, showering Potter with glass but the man seemed oblivious to the razor-sharp shrapnel.

He also seemed oblivious to the fact that Vince and Greg had just rounded the corner with their wands drawn.

Instead, he pushed open the door into the Room of Hidden things.

Draco closed his eyes briefly, stealing himself to go back in there. He reached the door at the same time as Vince and Greg.

'He's ours, Draco,' snarled Vince.

Draco wondered if he could do this without breaking his cover. Not yet anyway. Vince and Greg had their own wands, he needed his to take them on. 'Actually, I think you'll find the Dark Lord would be rather angry with you if you killed him. We take him to the Dark Lord...'

The room seemed to be thrumming as Draco glanced between the stacks of decaying spellbooks and dusty cannisters, the old broken furniture and pock-marked statues. The Vanishing Cabinet still stood amongst it all. He turned away from it. It made him feel faint just to think about it. He closed his eyes and listened. He could hear Potter running and he knew Vince and Greg had guessed whereabouts he was too. He had to buy time...

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