A Little Bit of Parseltongue

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Animals, thought Draco. He knew where he was with animals rather than messy-haired and intimidating and solid-looking humans with piercing emerald-green eyes and long black coats worn over tight t-shirts, cargo trousers, and combat boots.

And with a son in tow...

He wondered if there were more mini-Potters at home.

He swallowed deeply and squatted down to greet Mr Hercules. The large puppy seemed to have more tail action than Rocket and he bounced up, his huge paws landing on Draco's chest and sending him off-balance so he tumbled against the wall and onto the floor.

Oh! So, it was going to be a sprawled on the floor at the feet of the Wizarding World's Saviour then... Great, could it get any worse?

Mr Hercules promptly lay down, half-across Draco's legs, and rested his head on Draco's thigh, his tail still wagging wildly.

'Hercules! Hercules!' attempted the small boy, tugging hopelessly on the lead.

'Sorry,' said Harry, grimacing. 'At least we know he likes you.' And he plucked the enthusiastic puppy off Draco's legs and reached out a hand to haul Draco up. His eyes searched deeply into Draco's soul as they stood facing each other a little too close. Sometimes Harry couldn't help himself. If circumstances had been different, he'd pulled Draco up from the floor flush against him, just to let Draco know how much he wanted him, especially in those trousers.

He took a deep even breath, only because he needed to keep his emotions in check and stop his magic from surging. He could sense Draco's wariness and uncertainty and he wondered why Draco was so nervous; it was Harry who'd stepped into his territory. He felt the need to apologise again. 'Sorry, I should have warned you that Hercules is a bit bouncy and surprisingly strong. Training at home is helping but he needs his inoculations so I can take him to more advanced puppy classes.'

'Puppy classes...' echoed Draco. It was disconcerting to have Potter standing so close, close enough to smell the mint from toothpaste and to feel warm breath on his face. To see the signs of stubble growth on his chin and the dryness of his lips. To be close enough to trace the details of the scar on his forehead.

Harry stepped away and Draco released a breath he didn't know he was holding. 'Yeh, it's a Muggle thing. They run training schools for dogs.'

'Oh,' said Draco, intrigue visible on his face. 'Is it different to Wizarding training methods?'

'Yeh, and more forgiving. Hercules was rejected from the Auror Corps' Dog Team because he was the runt of the litter and too excitable, as you can tell. They were going to...' Harry's voice faded and he glanced at Teddy who was joyfully rubbing the puppy's ears and spattering kisses all over Hercules's face.

'...I understand,' said Draco, diplomatically. 'Despicable practice.'

He grimaced at the Auror Dog Handlers' tendency to wave an unforgivingly terminal wand at the dogs that weren't considered suitable. Draco whole-heartedly disagreed. He was pleased that Harry clearly disapproved too.

'I thought I'd try a different training method.'

'Oh.' Draco knelt down again. This time firmly planting his knees on the floor and sitting back on his heels. Harry mimicked his position so they were all on a level.

'And you are?' Draco said to Teddy as Mr Hercules snuffled around, his tail whipping everything in his wake.

'I'm Teddy,' said the young boy. 'I'm four tomorrow,' he said proudly.

'Well, happy birthday tomorrow, Teddy. And is Mr Hercules your dog?'

'He's Da's dog but I help too. We're going to go to training classes together.'

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