Who do you Trust?

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They walked in silence through the streets with Harry and Teddy slightly ahead, and Hercules walking obediently to heel on Harry's left side until they reached the park entrance. Once there, Harry let Hercules off the lead and threw a ball for him so the overly-large puppy could enjoy his hour of run-around. Harry carried Teddy on his shoulders, walking at a discreet distance ahead to offer Draco and Pansy the opportunity to talk at they continued to meander slowly around the perimeter footpaths.

Draco watched Harry's back rather than looking at Pansy, watching the flow of his long Auror coat about his legs. He'd started to realise just how many wards and shielding spells the thing had on it. It was reassuring to know it kept Harry safe from all sorts of evils when he was out in the field. Even here, in the open and unprotected lawns of the park, it offered a modicum of security. Not that Draco was expecting vengeful Death-Eaters to pop out of the bushes because they happened to be in the park at 7pm on a Monday night at the end of July but still...

'You okay?' Draco asked Pansy, still not looking at her because he was conscious that it sounded like he was prying.

She nodded but didn't speak.

'I found therapy exhausting at first, I wanted to sleep but I didn't want to be alone either. I understand if you feel the same, if you just need the company. I'm not going to ask what you talked about, it's not my business. If you need someone, I'll just be here.'

They watched in silence as Harry continued to throw Hercules's ball in a perpetual and inexhaustible game of fetch and Teddy wiggled to get down and join in charging around. It seemed like sometimes the boy just needed to run.

'Teddy! Don't go too far!' Harry called after him but still kept a polite distance.

Pansy walked numbly beside Draco, hunched into her coat, her hands buried deep into her pockets.

'Merlin, you look cold,' Draco offered a bit later.

'I am. And tired,' her voice sounded hoarse. 'I can't bear the thought of going back to my flat yet, being alone with my thoughts and going over and over what we talked about.'

Draco looked at her and saw her eyes were watery. 'I get it. Harry suggested we get a take-out at his or eat out somewhere.'

'Draco, what are you doing living with him?' she said, eyes wide.

'Long story...'

'The London house fire?'

'I can't talk about it; it's an ongoing case and the insurance company are being a pain in the arse because they're claiming my policy doesn't cover Fiendfyres as accidental damage. Anyway, you'll probably know more about it than me now you're in Harry's department.'

'But why him? You've never said a civil word to him since we started school, you hated him, yet this... you...' she flailed an arm hopelessly, mirroring her loss for words.

Draco shrugged, 'he can't help himself; his bloody hero complex. He can't help wanting to gather us all up and giving us hugs.'

'You do know I can hear you?' Harry said, turning around to face them and walking backwards. 'And I'm not a fucking Hufflepuff!'

'Don't be rude about Hufflepuffs, Harry. I thought you preached inclusion these days,' Draco teased.

Harry flipped him the finger good-humouredly. 'He's right about the takeaway, if you need company. There's no requirement to be sociable; just be, that all.'

'Why, Harry? Why do you care?'

'Because you need help. I meant what I said before, you don't deserve to end up like this, I want the old Pansy back.'

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