Calling In Unannounced

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'How did they even get in there?' Harry exclaimed angrily as Luna presented him with the Sword of Gryffindor, only, now it seemed the engraving of Godric's name on the blade had somehow been removed during the coven ceremony. Harry placed it on the mantlepiece in the great hall, out of reach of tiny fingers. He had no doubt that the sword would do its magic vanishing-thing and would soon be seen in Godric's portrait once more. He didn't have time to ponder what Godric would have to say about the missing engraving of his name.

'The Wards were set up to allow anyone bearing the Dark Mark to come and go. It became a central meeting place for Voldemort and his followers,' said Narcissa quietly.

'Surely the Wards were changed after the war,' snarled Harry.

Talbott looked rather guilty, 'it wasn't on our list of priorities.'

'Right!' said Harry. 'Neville, Angelina, we need a take a trip.'

'Ahem!' said Mione with her eyebrows raised in expectation.

'This is Auror business,' snapped Harry.

'You'll need me to get past our shield,' she answered firmly.

'And this is family,' said Bill, determinedly. 'And at least one of us needs to stand in for Ron as part of the Golden Trio.'

'And Hermione will need the support of her sisters,' said Luna. Ginny and Pansy nodded.

'And you'll need me to get you all through the Wards,' said Draco.

'I is helping there too,' said Ruby.

'ENOUGH!' bellowed Harry. 'This isn't a bloody school trip. I need trained Aurors who will act with stealth and understand how we each work and how to look out for each other's backs. We're talking about the Carrows, not a bunch of leprechauns having a piss up. And I don't need any help getting through the Manor's Wards because I'm Harry bloody Potter with enough rogue magic to get through the bloody Wards at Gringotts without three-hundred fucking Goblins noticing.'

George, Ginny, and Ron burst out laughing when Molly up-slapped the back of Harry's head. 'There's no need for that sort of language, young man. No matter who you are! What would Minerva say?'

He glared at her.

'Blimey, Harry, none of us would dare say that word in front of mum, not even Fred would've risked that, Merlin rest his soul,' said Charlie.

'She's obviously never heard Ron on a bad day,' Harry snapped, his eyes narrowed. 'I'm going to let Gawain and Kingsley know,' Not that he needed to go anywhere because he just sent his Patronus soaring off. 'Molly, perhaps you'd like to do something useful and contact Poppy. I'd like her to be here for mum.'

In the end, Draco, Bill, and Hermione, Ruby, Luna, Ginny, and Pansy all accompanied Harry, Hercules, Neville, and Angelina, despite Harry's original protests.

Dusk was beginning to fall as they landed just outside the Manor's gate. Draco signalled to a wooden gate in the tall stone wall that was tucked further away from the main gate and hidden from the view of the Manor's windows. Harry indicated he'd go first and with the Elder Wand drawn, he muttered an unlocking spell and carefully pushed the door open. He felt for resistance but there was none so he simply walked through. There's wasn't even any struggle or a pushing feeling. He just felt accepted by the house and grounds. Like he belonged. Draco looked at him quizzically but he shrugged as he easily adjusted the Wards to accept the others. Then he clamped down an Anti-Apparition Ward. The Floo's were still disabled so there was no chance of them escaping that way.

They crept nearer the house through the gardens sheltered by the huge hedges that lined the driveway. Harry didn't exactly want to stroll up front gravel path and knock on the door.

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