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"So basically my parents moved from the safe Irish catholic parts of Inwood to way out in the ass of the Bronx, and my parents couldn't keep track of me anymore cuz' I was turning twelve and everyone was trying on drugs you know."

"So my old friend DJ got me into the drug scene cuz' it wasn't cool to be a wet-head anymore. I started off with chasing the dragon and shit til' my parents got onto me and had us move to fucking Harlem which has fucking even more drugs to offer cuz' this is fucking Manhattan you know? Fucking New York City city."

I'm sitting with my legs crossed on Aaliyah's tiny bed while she tells me about her absurd past. It's crazy how much people have been through and how experienced they are. I barely know half of the vocabulary she just used...

"What's a wethead? And chasing the dragon?" I ask, shifting position on the bed to rest my chin on my hands with my elbows digging into the thin mattress.

"It's someone who drinks alkohol. And chasing the dragon is smoking heroine; cuz' you can also smoke it you know. But skin-popping gives you a better effect." she answers with a bitter face. "It's all fucked up. Stay away from the drug scene Laura, I'm begging you. Or you could end up fucking dead like many of my friends have."

I can see her eyes tearing up even though she's trying to hide it by scratching her forehead, using her hand as a shield over her eyes.

"Do you think Jim is going to die?" the question just pops out of me.


I swallow, feeling shivers run down my spine at the thought of the guy I hate, actually leaving this world.

"He's got some severe fucking brain damage from all the shit he's taking but he ain't gonna' die. He's got a spark in him. He's not giving up..." Aaliyah whispers.

"Brain damage?" I can't help but let out a short giggle.

"I'm being legit. All the overdoses fucks you up."

"Overdoses? Has he overdosed?"

Aaliyah is looking at me as if I'm a little kid. My inexperience almost seems to baffle her.

"You really don't know anything bout' drugs, huh?" she chuckles. "Overdoses happens all the time. Usually some slaps to the face will wake you up from it. But despite that it still affects your head."

"What even happens when you overdose?"

"Well, when you take heroine for example, your heart rate and breathing becomes really slow and in worst case it becomes so slow that it completely shuts down and you get unconscious and shit." Aaliyah explains. 

She stands up from the bed and limps over to her window. I wonder why her leg is that way? For some reason I don't dare to ask.

"Jim is coming over shortly. Just so you know." Aaliyah says, still looking out the window. "I'm sorry, you can stay in the bedroom so you don't have to see him."

I nod shortly. "Why is he coming here?"

Aaliyah swallows and rubs her neck. "Uh- well. I give him works."

Works. The stuff you need to shoot up on heroine.

"Why?" I breath out.

"One of my brothers is a diabetic. I have lots of syringes... I don't know. It's wrong I know but it's better I give them to him so he at least doesn't get sick from the needle."

I'm completely baffled. My best friend is giving one of her best friends the tools so he can drug himself! It's completely insane!

I sit quiet until there is a knock on the front door. Aaliyah walks out from me without a single word. With careful steps I sneak up to the door so I can peak at them through the gap in the door.

I let out a little gasp as I spot Jim in the hallway. As always the sight of him gives me a weird flutter, even though I hate him. 

"Jim. I don't like this." Aaliyah says as she hands Jim the bag with the works in.

He lets out a deep sigh, letting his gorgeous eyes travel over her face. "Don't worry. I'm fine and you know that."

"No, you're not fine. Fine isn't being a junkie."

Jim lets out a surprised laugh. "Junkie? Wow. Thanks a lot. I think you should worry bout' your own problems and leave my fucking shit to me, alright?"

They stand quiet for a while, just glaring at each other. Then Jim's eyes softens and he embraces Aaliyah in a tight hug that looks so comforting that I feel a sting of jealousy.

"I really gotta' leave now... You can come if you want?" Jim mumbles, letting go of her.

"No. Laura is here."

Jim's eyes grow large and he grimaces which honestly really hurts me.

"Really?" he hisses, rolling his eyes. "I can't believe you still hang with that prude."

"At least she's not a junkie like everyone else in this city."

Jim snorts. "Oh, just wait. She has a weak mind, she'll be addicted in a matter of years."

I can't take listening to their discussion anymore. With gritted teeth I jump down in Aaliyah's bed, punching her pillow as if it will make my boiling blood cool down a little.

It doesn't take long until I hear Jim leave and Aaliyah comes back into the room. She looks the opposite of happy.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine." she mumbles, looking at everything except from me.

I stand up from the bed. "I think I have to leave." I say and give her a goodbye hug before hurrying out of the apartment.

I'm running as fast as I can to reach up with Jim who's almost reached all the way down the block. He doesn't notice my presence until I jerk the bag of works from his hands.

He spins around on his feet in full fight mode. But when he sees me his anger turns to confusion.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he yells, taking a threatening step toward me.

"You're fucking insane you know that? You really want to put it on Aaliyah's conscience if you die from an overdose after using her stuff?"

"Laura, you're just embarrassing yourself. Now get the fuck outa' here."

"Fine." I huff, giving him a fake smile. "But I'm taking these with me." I wave with the bag in my hand. "You can get high all you want but you're not gonna' have Aaliyah involved. She's too good for that."

And with those words I turn around and start running for my life with a shouting Jim close after me. I'm not sure how I thought I was gonna' get away with this. Jim's legs are much longer than me and he's a pro athlete in comparison with me. I barely get to the end of the block until I feel Jim's presence right behind me.

His ability to slow down must be out of work or something because he accidentally (or not) runs straight into me so we both trip and bump down to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Fuck." Jim sighs. I don't understand why he's complaining because he's literally laying on top of me so I should be the one cussing in agony. 

When I open my eyes I see his ones right above mine. It feels like I'm drowning in his blue gaze and when I feel his hand taking suport on my stomach I can't help but arch my back. 

Why does this always happen?

HEY YOOO VOOTE. What are y'all looking forward to get to know or to read about in this story? TELL ME cus your wishes are my DEMANDS!!! 

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