Bathroom Massacre

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Her heart was stressed, her mind a mess, her body undressed, and she never lived in this world, not like the rest.

She drank vodka from her grandmas fine china
Set things on fire at 1AM
Sang songs about shipwrecks and wilting roses

And as she drowned
She never closed her eyes
She stared up at you, her words trapped in her lungs, screaming to get out
Your hands tightened around her neck, shaking with fear
But she never closed her eyes

Why did you love her so?

Simple words that dribbled from her mouth, tasting of abandonment and pain could send you reeling into the night

Her sharp tongue cut apart your heart
She held the exacto knife between her teeth
like a sixth grader performing a dissection

You loved her, darling, you loved her so much.

Thats why your tears tasted of salt
as she lay still in the pearl basin

a soapy massacre

a squeaky clean suicide

She chose this fate, dear, she chose it by choosing you

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