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I woke up, not hungover for once. I'd had a clean night the day before, no drink or drugs, a bit unusual considering that's all I lived off in the summer.

I showered, got on a decent outfit and went downstairs.

"Morning Liv" I said to my sister Olivia, as I pulled up a chair at the table.
She was sitting on the countertop, munching on a piece of toast.

"Kal" She replied, nodding at me. "Oh, I got you a 'first day of college' present"
She tossed me a little bag of MDMA, which I caught with one hand and stared at.

"You not gonna take any?" She asked.
"I was gonna have a clean couple of days" I sighed.
"Just take it! Fuck it for Chris"
"...Ok" I shrugged, and tucked the bag into my pocket. "Liv?"
"You never did explain the 'fuck it for Chris' thing. What does it mean?"
She smiled a little.
"Just something an old friend used to say" She said.

She handed me a piece of toast, while I re-read the Roundview college booklet for the billionth time.

"You're reading it again? Give it a rest Kal"
"Just hoping I picked the right college"
"There's only one college in this crappy area, and you were obviously gonna follow the boys to any college they went to"
"True" I shrugged.

My best friends are Cook, Freddie and JJ. Ive been friends with them for years, ever since Primary school. I was that sort of kid who drifted around in friend-groups, never really settling with anyone. Until I met the three musketeers. I was sitting alone one day, when JJ came over and asked if i'd like to play with them. I said yes, and ever since then we've all hung out.

"Also, there's this" Liv said, throwing an envelope at me.
"Jeez, stop throwing stuff at me!"
"Hang on, this one's good"

I opened it to find a wad of bank notes, and a note saying 'Love from Mum" .

"Looks like she isn't coming back for a while then" I said.
"Yep, child neglect at its finest"
"Child? You're 19 last time I checked"
"Yeah well it can count for you then" She responded, chucking a tea towel at my head.
"Ow! Bitch!" I exclaimed, throwing at back.

"Stop! Anyway, Ive gotta get to work" She laughed, before hopping off the counter.
She grabbed her bag and took one last look at me, before saying:
"By the way, it's your turn to do the dishes"
I turned to look at the giant stack of dishes that balanced in the sink.

"No it's-" I protested, but Liv was already gone.
"For fucks sake"

"Morning, you tossers" I greeted, walking up to the gang.
"Hello Kalani" JJ replied, waving at me.
"Hey Kal" Freddie followed.
"Kal! I got you some breakfast" Cook exclaimed, handing me a cup of beer.
"What the fuck?" I said, before taking the cup and sitting down.
I took a few sips of it, but wouldn't drink anymore.

"I'm not finishing that" I said, and wiped my mouth.
"Fucking lightweight" Cook mocked.
"Shut up wanker, I just wanna be neutral today! Y'know, no drink or drugs"
"Why would you ever want to be that boring" Cook replied, frowning.
I rolled my eyes at him.

I love them really. There's just one problem. I love them more than anything, and I wouldn't do anything to mess out friendship up, meaning I can't ever tell Cook how I feel about him, ever. Sucks to be me right?

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