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We were at Thomas's club, it was the last day before college and it looked like every single teen in Bristol was there. Cook was up on the balcony, dealing MDMA to Naomi and then some other guy. He looked down and winked at me, before running back to the dance floor.

"I thought you stopped selling?" I said, into his ear.
"Relax, I wont get caught" He smirked.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, everything's fine"

We danced for a while, before suddenly, wind rushed past my head as a girl fell from the balcony above, landing with a thud. I turned around and saw her lying face down on the floor.  Blood gushed from her head, pooling around her like a halo. Her finger twitched- but nothing more.

She was dead.

Cook grabbed my arms and tried to turn me away, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Thomas desperately tried to push everyone out of the way, but the crowd seemed to get larger and larger, almost suffocating me. I stared at her, wondering why I couldn't look away.
"Kal! Kal look at me!!" I heard Cook yell, but i shook my head, unable to even close my eyes. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and pull me backwards, out of the crowd until I felt the cold night air on my skin.

"Fuck" I cursed, holding the sides of my head. I paced the alleyway behind the club, breathing heavily.
"It's ok, let's just get home" Cook suggested, holding his hand out.
I stared at it for a moment, before shaking my head.

"She's dead Cook. She f-fucking..she.." I thought about the blood around her, her flying past my head as she fell to the ground. I suddenly heaved, throwing up on the ground. I breathed heavily, while Cook held my hair back.

"Lean against the wall, here look" He suggested, helping me stand up.
I leaned against the stone wall, staring up into the sky. A couple droplets of rain fell, splashing onto my face.

"She died Cook. And we did nothing" I muttered.
"What could we do?"
I shrugged.
"Just seems..wrong"

He held his hand out once again, and I took it, before he led me home.

I still couldn't stop shaking, every time I closed my eyes the image of the girl flashed inside my head.

We got to my house, and inside my bedroom. Cook helped me into bed and under the covers, before kissing my forehead and stepping towards the door.
"Cook?" I said.

He got into bed behind me and and pulled me in, while I tried to stop the tears rolling down my face. He couldn't see me in the dark, but sensed something was wrong.
"Try and get some sleep" He whispered.


I pulled myself out of bed and leaned against my windowsill, staring out at the road. I couldn't sleep at all. It was still dark and sleep was heavy in my eyes. No use though, every time I tried to sleep I kept seeing.. the girl. Her finger twitching, the blood seeping out of her head, the crowd...

I jumped as Cook came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Christ, James you scared me" I said.
"Sorry. You coming back to bed?"
"Nope. Cant sleep"
"Try! Tomorrow's the first day back"
"Maybe I won't go" I shrugged.
"What? You have to"
"Says you! Mr I-never-go-to-college-ever"
"Oh ha-ha. I'm serious, you're always the good one"
"Fine. But you have to come with"
"Course I will"

I turned around to face him.

"You care too much"
"Yeah you kinda bring that out in me"
He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me.
"So, sleep?"
"Mhm" I nodded, before he took my hand and pulled me to bed.

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