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I was in Freddie's shed as usual, drinking and talking about random things, waiting for Cook and JJ to get back from College Green. Cook and I had seen each other every day since the party, but neither of us had mentioned...what happened.

"So how did Pandas sleepover go?" Freddie asked.
"Shit. I dunno what happened, it just turned into a giant party and then everyone just left" I replied.
"At least you had an eventful day, I was stuck here watching Karen's sexxbomb routine over and over"
"She got into the competition then?"
"Unfortunately. And she won't shut up about it"
"Sisters eh?"
"Love em, but also fucking despise them"
"Ill drink to that" I laughed, tipping a shot down my throat.

There was suddenly three knocks on the shed door, followed by,
It clearly wasn't JJ or Cook, and Karen never knocks. I frowned at Freddie a little, before he shrugged and gestured for me to answer it while he rolled a joint.

"Oh..hey Effy" I greeted, poking my head around the door.
She was standing there, hugging her elbows and smiling a little. I looked back at Freddie, who looked more clueless and nervous than ever.

"Hey...I just wanted to see what was in your shed"
"My..?" Freddie said, coming to stand next to me.
"Shed" She replied, nodding behind us. "Everyone says you guys have a marvelous shed"
"Everyone?" I frowned.
"'s.. marveled at"
I could tell she was making it all up as she went along.

"Um..come in?" I suggested, opening the door wider.

I let her have a seat in the armchair that was beside Freddie, while I sat in the car scrap opposite them.
"Thanks for letting me in, I know it's weird" Effy said, to no-one in particular.
I paused to let Freddie answer, but he sat there blankly, tongue-tied.

"It's fine. Bit weird though, there's usually nobody in here but me and the boys"
She laughed a little, her hair swinging over her face.

"Anyway, spliff then?" She said, nodding at the one Freddie was rolling.
"Uh- um- yeah" He uttered, lighting it and handing it to her. She took a long drag and blew it into the air, closing her eyes slowly as she did so.

"So anyway, what do you lot do in here?" She asked.
"Just talk and stuff...hang out I guess" Freddie shrugged.
"Seems like a good place to hide" She responded.
"Really is" I said softly, looking around.
I never really appreciated it before.

I shifted around uncomfortably, realizing there was something underneath me. I pulled it out, and saw that it was a porn mag.
"Er Freddie! Fucks sake" I laughed, holding it up with two fingers.
"Why don't you get your porn on the internet like normal people" Effy scoffed.
"Alright alright" He laughed, grabbing it from me and tossing it behind him. "I forgot to clean up after earlier after I-"
"Yeah ok" I said, covering my ears. "I don't need to hear anymore"
Effy laughed again, and slowly looked over at Freddie. They shared a short moment- looking into each others eyes- before it was harshly interrupted.

"You'll never guess whats just happened" Cook suddenly said, backing into the shed and pummeling the punching bag. JJ followed after him, his eyes widening as he saw Effy.

"This skinny asian fucker was up the green right-"
"Cook" I said, clearing my throat.
He carried on speaking, while JJ also started calling his name.
"He was body popping on a bit of lino, he had a little sign saying Anwar the magnificent, he was busking, making cash money so I said to him if I can join in yeah, and he says something about do I know the 'buddha-buddha-cheese-buddha' routine so I says-"
"Cook!" I shouted, causing him to finally turn around.

His eyes scanned the area, and landed on Freddie and Effy.
"Well blow bubbles up my bollocks and call me Shirley" He said.
I swear I saw a little jealousy rise on his face.

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