summer 2.2

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The boys and I caught the bus and fucked off to a random town for the day, just for something to do. We got high, drank and got lost a couple times, but eventually made it back to the bus stop after getting chips.

"Look there's the bus!" Freddie said, as it came up behind us. We ran for it, but the driver drove off, pretending not to see us.
"Oi!" I shouted.
"Cunts!!" Cook yelled, but it was too late- the bus was long gone.
"Shit. Do we wait for the next one or what?" I said.
"Can't, that was the last bus" JJ sighed.
"For fucks sake! Were in the middle of nowhere!" Freddie said.
I raised my eyebrows at Cook.

"Fuck off tryna blame me, J was the one in the toilet!" He said.
"You wanted to get food!" I replied.
"Didn't see you objecting dinky-tits" He laughed.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Don't be pissed Kal" He said, as he hugged me from behind.

I struggled not to smile.

"Yeah, whatever, but what the fuck are we meant to do now?" I asked.
"Let's just get a taxi" JJ suggested.
"Nah taxies are for pussies and actors, i'm walking" Cook responded.
"I'm not" Freddie scoffed.
"Neither am I, it's fucking miles" I added.
"Suit yourselves. J?" Cook said.
JJ sighed.
"We can't just leave him can we, you know what he's like" He said.
"..Fine" I huffed.
Freddie rolled his eyes, but eventually got up to join us.


"Do you even know where we're going?" I asked Cook, who seemed to be leading.
We were in some random giant forest.
"" He said.
"Wait- so why are we following you?" Freds said.
"I dunno I was following J!" Cook answered.
"Cook, how the fuck are you following someone who's behind you?" I frowned.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Nah I don't have a smart-arse answer for that one"
"Thought so" I sighed.
"So, which way do we go?" JJ asked.
"..Well we can check this out for starters" Cook said, walking towards something. It was pitch black, but I looked up and realized there was a giant house a few feet in front of us
"Holy shit!"
"We've hit the jackpot kids" Cook exclaimed.
We ran to the house, and peeked through the back window.

"We've definitely got to get in there" He said.
"What? You're not seriously thinking about going in?" I replied.
"Fuck yes, look at the booze they've got on that shelf look"
"No, no this is not happening" Freds laughed, in disbelief. "This is too far Cook, even for you"
"Cook are you forgetting that it's illegal? That's breaking and entering! We could all go to prison! I mean, I don't think-" JJ ranted, before Cook put a finger over his lips.

He went to the back door and tugged the handle hopefully.
"It's open" He said, with a smirk.
"You're not going in" I responded.
"I am! It's their fault look, they've left the lights on and the door open"
"So it's a sign. That I need to go in and steal their booze"
"I...Freddie!" I said, turning to Freds for help.
"Don't look at me!" He shrugged.
JJ started breathing heavily.

"Look, let's just get the fuck out of here before JJ has a panic att-.... COOK!" I turned around and realized Cook was already inside, looking around.
"Oh my God" Freddie whispered.
"Is he really doing this right now?"

Cook balanced himself on the countertop and reached up to the top shelf, loudly piling his arms high with bottles of alc.
"For someone who's literally breaking into a house, he's making a shit-ton of noise" I whispered. Freddie nodded in agreement.

Cook turned to look at us, laughing, before suddenly frowning towards the hallway.
"Who's there?" A voice said.
Cooks face fell, and he dropped all the bottles in his hands sending them shattering on the floor.

"RUN!" He mouthed, before scrambling to the door and running out. We legged it towards the front of the house, out onto some random main road. We ran across, dodging cars left and right, and came to a street of less impressive looking houses.

"Guys? You ok?" I said.
JJ couldn't even speak, and Freddie was too busy laughing.
"One second I can barely breathe" Cook panted, leaning on his knees.
"No shit! Promise me you won't do anything that fucking stupid again Cook"
"I don't make promises, i'm a fucking nutcase"
"You almost got caught, all for nothing" Freddie said, trying to stop laughing.
"Not all for nothing Freds" Cook replied, before lifting up his shirt to show one bottle tucked into his belt.
"Great. Fucking amazing" I laughed.
"Anyway, i've found somewhere nice and cozy, seeing as we're definitely not getting home tonight" He said.
"Erm..where?" I asked, looking around.
"Here!" He said, suddenly opening the door to a car that was beside us.
"Nah Cook were not doing this again" Freddie said.
"Are you-"
We were interrupted when JJ suddenly fainted, hitting the floor with a thud.

"This is theft. This is cold, calculated, in- distilled, concentrated theft" JJ said, planting his head in his hands.
"J calm down before you faint again" I sighed.
"Yeah, and this isn't even theft! It's just..lending" Cook said.

We were some random car, definitely breaking the law, but somehow it didn't seem as bad as breaking into that house.
Never thought I'd say that.
JJ and Fred's were in the front seats, while I laid on Cooks lap in the back. We passed around the one lousy bottle of wine Cook managed to get.

"I should fucking kill you Cook" Freddie said.
"Why? I bring the fun to all your miserable lives" He smiled.
"You're lucky I love you. And your lap serves as a very good pillow" I replied, smiling up at him.
"See! This is alright isn't it?"
"No thanks to you" JJ said.
"Yes thanks to me! I'm the fucking Moses of this shit" Cook responded.
"Yeah yeah" I said, rolling my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep sometime later, because I woke up the next morning to the sound of a car door slamming. Cook and Freddie were outside the car, while JJ and I were still waking up inside. I sat up, stretched and tapped JJs cheek.
"Time to get going J"

I stepped out of the car to join Cook and Freddie.
"Sleepyhead" Cook said, pulling me into a hug.
I hung onto him, burying my head in his chest.
"We really just broke into a house, and slept in a stolen car for the night. What the fuck" Freddie said.
"Yep, never a dull moment with the cookie monster" He smiled.
"Eugh" I grimaced at the name.

We made it back to the bus stop, much better now we could actually see where we were going. We didn't have to wait for too long, and the bus pulled up before we knew it.
"Thank fuck, JJ get the money out" Cook said.
"Sorry?" JJ replied.
"C'mon man you've always got money!"
"Guys, i've got nothing!" JJ said.
"Kal?" Cook said.
"Nope, used it all on the way here" I shrugged. "Freds?"
"Chips in pitta. Curry sauce, mushy peas, battered sausage, a steak and kidney pie on top of that" Freds said, listing the food he bought for us last night.
"Alright, alright. What kind of knob gets pitta?" Cook responded, as the bus pulled up. "Alright mate? We ain't got any money but we do have something much better"
JJ pulled out some of his cards, and spread them.
"Pick a card" He said.
The bus driver closed the door in our faces.
"Oi!" Freddie frowned, tapping on the window.
The bus left us, while we stood there, thinking.

"Right guys. Waiting for the next one?"

Based off my favorite unseen clip from S3 called 'The last bus'
Sorry these chapters took so long, I took a break from my phone for a bit.
S4 coming soon.


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