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I was in hospital for around another week, and eventually got better. I still felt shit though. Cook had to save my life again. I promised I wouldn't make him feel like that ever again. And I have.
I'm so stupid.
I went over to Naomi's, since Cook was hiding out there. I knocked and Emily opened the door, her face all tear-stained.
"Ems? You ok?"
"Not really" She sniffed, holding tears back.
I stepped inside and hugged her.
"Naomi again?" I asked, once I pulled away.
"Yeah" She nodded. "I don't know what we are anymore"
"That's easy, you're Naomi and Emily" I smiled. "If yous aren't together the world is seriously fucked"
She smiled a little.
"Cooks upstairs" She said.
I went up, and found him looking worse than Emily.

"Yeah but...what the fucks up with you?"
"Just..a lot of shit on my mind"
"Tell me" I said. I got onto the bed and sat beside him.
"..It's Freddie" He finally said.
"What about him? I haven't seen him for a few days actually"
"That's the thing, nobody has"
"What?" I frowned.
"He mentioned running away and nobody's seen him since, not even Karen"
"But..he wouldn't just leave? He wouldn't leave Eff. He wouldn't leave us" I said, shaking my head. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want.."
"You didn't want me to go mental again?"
"Something like that" He smiled.
"Fucking hell, everything's fucked up" I said, putting my head in my hands. "I'm mental, in love with a criminal, and one of my best friends has disappeared"
"When you put it like that it really does sound fucked" He laughed.
I laid next to him and sighed.
"If Freds left, where would he go?"
"No idea" He shrugged.
"He would've taken Effy with him right? And he didn't even tell Karen...somethings up"
"Don't worry about it man. We'll figure it out soon"
I nodded and put my head on his shoulder, while is arm went around me.
"It's his birthday tomorrow" I muttered.
I started to think the worst.
"Cook what if he's..." I couldn't finish my sentence. If I said it out loud then it would be too real.
"I'll go and find him"
"You will?"
I started to think the worst about Cook too. If he left again i'd be able to handle it right? I can handle it, I can handle it, I can handle it...

Cook thought for a second, before reaching into his pocket.
"Karen gave me this' He said.
It was an exercise book, with Freddie's name on the front cover. I opened it, and came face to face with pages full of the words 'I love her' over and over, referring to Effy.
"Holy fuck.." I whispered.

I suddenly turned to a page that read
'JOHN FOSTER WANTS TO HURT HER' almost like Freds was shouting it. I sat up, frowning at the page.
"What's wrong?" Cook asked.
"Look" I said, and showed him.
"Effys therapist.." I muttered.

I stood up and walked to the window, trying to think.
"Oh shit!" I said, once I saw who was out there.
"What?" He frowned, sitting up.
"The police!"
He stood up and saw what I was looking at.
"Fuck!" He shouted, and pulled on his trousers.
Pandora suddenly ran in.
"Cookie, the fuzz!" She warned.
"I'm on it" He nodded, getting ready to climb out the window. "You're always looking good in lingerie Pandora" He said, nodding at her underwear.
"Ta" She smiled.
I shook my head at him, smiling a little.
"Be careful" I whispered, while he climbed to the floor. He got down safely, and looked up at the window, shooting Panda and I a smile.
"Run you tosser!" I whispered.
He took off in the direction of Freddie's house.

I heard the officers break open the door and rush through the house, yelling Cooks name.
"Fucking hell" I muttered.
One of them burst in and grabbed Panda and I, and started asking about Cook. I stared at them, not saying a word until they eventually left. I watched them out the window looking around for Cook with sniffer dogs.
"I need to go and warn Cook" I sighed. "Coming Panda?"
"Yeah" She nodded.

JJ came with us too, as we made our way to Freddie's shed.
"Ok, if he's in there i'll give you guys a signal" He said, as we got to the door.
"Ok.." I said.
We waited while he went in, until he poked his head back out and whispered,
"The sea-eagles are roosting"
"What?" I whispered back, frowning.
"He's here"
"Oh!" I said, and walked in with Panda.
Effy was in there too, staring down at Freddie's exercise book. Cook must have given it to her.
"Hey Effy" I said.
She managed to look up and crack a smile.
"Cook, I brought you your shirt" I said, and handed it to him.
"Thank fuck, i'm freezing" He said.
"Erm, guys? Ive been meaning to tell you something..." Panda said.
"Spit it out Panda pops" Effy smiled.
"I'm going away" She admitted.
"Really? Where to?" I asked.
"Harvard! On a history scholarship"
"Harvard? That's amazing Panda!" I smiled.

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