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"How'd it go curlynob?" I asked, as I met JJ outside his assessment room.
He had his fists balled up, and was breathing irrationally.

"J? It's ok mate, you're ok" I said, placing my hands either side of his face.
I managed to get his breathing under control, before I asked him what was wrong.

"What happened?"
"My therapist never fucking listens. He just gives me more and more pills " He angrily sighed, and showed them to me.
"What do these do?"
"Help me tell the truth and stuff. Not sure if they will work though"
"Let's hope they don't or else you'll be spilling your deepest darkest secrets to us J"
He laughed a little, before we bumped into Emily.

"Ems? What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Hey! I was having a bit of counseling" She said.
"Nice. I never normally see people I know in here, except Kal cos she comes with me. " JJ replied.
"Why don't you see people you know?"
"Normal people don't come here I guess" He shrugged.
"Oh. I asked them to help me be a bit more honest with people y'know? Anyway, they just gave me these"
She showed us a box of pills, that matched JJ's.

"Snap" He said. "Must be good if they can help you calm down and be honest"
"Yeah, wasn't really what I was hoping for. Do you need calming down?"
"Believe me, I totally do. I mean, i'm getting overstimulated talking to you now! I mean, you're exciting me, wait that's not- bugger, shitification-"
"It's ok JJ" I said, grabbing his arm.

"It's hard telling people things about yourself isn't it?" Emily said.
"Yeah" He muttered, hoarsely.
"But i'm gonna try. It's no big deal. You probably couldn't care less"
"About what?" I asked.
"I want to have sex with girls" Emily sighed.
"Oh! Cool-"
"Yeah. I like girls, like sex with girls, I like their rosy lips, their hard nipples, bums, soft thighs, I like..tits and fanny y'know! There I said it now-"
I nodded, not really surprised, before JJ suddenly keeled over, landing flat on the floor. I wasn't worried though, as this did frequently happen.
"Shit" I mumbled.

We slapped JJ awake before hoisting him up and deciding to take him over to the park for a bit of fresh air.

"That is a lot of pills" Emily said, as she stared at the pill bottles JJ had thrown onto the grass beneath us.
"I know, and this balmy fucker somehow remembers to take them all" I smiled, and ruffled JJ's hair.
"Ah, here's my vitamin C. I do about 20 of these a day, cos they're nice and fizzy. Go on, try one. " JJ said, and handed one each to Emily and I. "You're supposed to dissolve them but they have a better kick this way"

I managed to eat mine safely, but Emily suddenly started choking, and grabbed her drink to flush everything down. The drink happened to be fizzy, and sent everything spewing out of her mouth.

"Oh shit Em!" I laughed, while JJ went up behind her, and squeezed her waist, trying to stop her choking.

She wiped off her mouth, and relaxed a little.
"JJ, I think you've got your hand on my tit" Emily said, awkwardly.
"I know...I mean, shit sorry!" JJ exclaimed, moving away.
"Well I've had a lovely time" Emily sighed, sarcastically.
"Sorry. Ive screwed this all up havent I?"
"Truth is, You're nice, JJ"
"I'm unusual" He replied.
"That's just code for 'not normal'. I'd give anything to be normal for a whole day."
"What would you do if you were normal J?"
"I'd loose my virginity first, several times, then i'd have a choccy nut milkshake without going into anaphylactic shock, then I'd tell Freddie and Cook to stop fighting before they hate each other forever, and they'd listen to me for once and not fucking ruffle my hair! Then i'd tell Effy I love her and loose my virginity a few more times"
"You love Effy?" Ems asked.

It seemed like everyone did at this point.

"Did I say that out loud" JJ muttered.
" 'Fraid so" Emily sighed.
"And you don't like it when people ruffle your hair?" I asked.
We'd done it to him all his life, I didn't realize he hated it.
He shook his head and stared at the ground.

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