Chapter 20

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                        HIIIIIII!!!!! *Hides* sooo… been a year huh? …uhm… sorry?? Lol No excuse really, just been taken by life and laziness. Im back now, vowed to finish this book. There’s still about 4 or 5 chapters left to this book and so I’m going to soldier on! ENJOOOOY!! Please FAN, VOTE and COMMENT!

Oh! and pic on the side--> Hayden as Chelsea




My eyes grew wide as I gawked at the assembled group of people in the large paradise garden of the Bas estate. It was decorated for celebration with star-light lights hanging artistically like magical constellations in the manicured trees and sculptured bushes. Colorful Chinese lanterns provided a hazy ambience that gave the yard an other-worldly feel which instantly brought dreamy thoughts to my mind. I was shocked and wondering when the Bas servants managed to pull all this off as the verdict of the custody hearing had only been delivered over an hour ago… actually how did all these people manage to be here at such short notice??

I glanced up at Tristan’s self-impressed face and narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, mentally accusing him of setting me up! Thinking about it, I found it weird that after leaving the court-house he insisted the families go on home without us as he yearned to take me and the twins out for ice-cream. I had protested, feeling like we should all be together to celebrate our freedom from Morgan Kennedy but he would have none of it and practically dragged me to Wakaberry, unintelligibly gushing about the frozen yogurt they served there.

Tristan shrugged shamefully and mouthed ‘Sorry baby’ at me, his smirk secretly lurking behind his innocent smile… It’s like he knew he would win the trail. Hmmmm…

Before I could retaliate I was suddenly yanked into someone’s bosom and squeezed almost to death with a piercing voice screeching right into my eardrum.


“OH MY GOSH!! You’re free Aura!! You’re innocent and you’re free!!!”

I managed to pry myself out of her death-grip giggling like a little girl at my over enthusiastic bestfriend.

“You say that almost as if you actually thought I kidnapped the child?!” I teased.

“Uh?! Nooo!! Wh-I- it never- I never thought that AURR!!” her panicked wide eyes gave me the satisfaction of the misplaced guilt I knew she would feel.

I grinned at her silently as she realized I baited her. Her cheeks went pink as she smacked my arm and stormed away muttering about how cruel and soulless her dumb bestfriend was.

Tristan laughed at the encounter and took my arm, placing it in the crook of his elbow as he led me down the patio stairs to join the rest of our guests in the lovely garden party.

“This is not over you know…” I whispered to him sourly as we approached a group of people I presumed were his business associates and kept my smile plastered on my face politely.

“Oh baby… I hope you spank me for my appalling behavior… But that’s for later- Mr. Harold! How are you faring sir?” he whispered back using a mocking accent that was laced heavily of his British heritage and then swapped back to his normal voice with a wink and addressed the first man we came in contact with.

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