Chapter 23

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                        CHAPTER 23

“Hey hey!” I beamed as I waltzed into the room in a hurry. I was already panting heavily, short out of breath. It’s disappointing how unfit I’m already getting as I’m only three months pregnant and not showing yet but I already feel like an elephant! I mean my tiresome journey was only between the parking lot and Beth’s Hospital room!

“Hey you! Whoa! Should you be carrying such huge items in your condition?!” she exclaimed with an amused giggle.

I hadn’t seen her yet as the huge teddy bear and bouquet of flowers I carted obstructed my view. My vision was cleared when I was finally relieved of my load as she accepted her gifts. She still had an amused look on her face as she smiled at me. I smiled back at her affectionately.

After the incident at Fred Ferroscjar’s compound, my brother Andi and I had rushed Beth to hospital for the two gun-shot wounds. Only one of them was serious as the other had just grazed her skin. The severity of the one in her chest had almost killed her; the doctors said she was lucky it had missed her vital organs. You can imagine how happy I was to know she was okay! I owed her my life!

Since then I’ve been coming to visit her twice a week for the two months she’s been hospitalized.

But today she was finally being released!

“Congratulations for getting out!” I joked.

She sighed happily at me, a look of deep gratitude etched on her face. She knew I was talking about being discharged from hospital, but the look on her face told me she was happier at the fact that she never had to go back to Ferroscjar’s whore-house again because of me.

In the last two months that I came to visit her, sometimes with Tristan and the kids, we had begged and pleaded with her to let us help her. She deserved a better life, especially after all the rubbish she had been through. She was stubborn but finally agreed and today was the day I got to take her home!

She made me agree to let her be the boys’ nanny or help around the house because she didn’t want to feel like a charity case, I agreed, but only until we could figure out what she wanted to do for the rest of her life, I honestly believe she deserved to live her dreams even though she doesn’t know them yet.

“How’s your little girl treating you?” she asked as we both got to work packing up all her stuff, which mostly consisted of the presents we brought her every week.

I gave her a confused look. Did she mean the twins?

She chuckled, shaking her head at me, “I mean the one inside you silly! Why would I be calling those little monsters girls, it’s pretty clear how much they fit the ‘terrible twos’ profile!” she laughed as she thought of my boys.

She had no idea just how bad those ‘little monsters’ can get, she only got to see them in action when running around breaking stuff in her little confined hospital room... try deal with them at home!

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