Chapter 10

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WARNING!!!!!! MAD SEXUAL CONTENT! I'M RESTRICTING IT COZ IT AINT A TEEN FICTION but u shud know that ANYWAY. So on flips, this is the first time I attempt a sex scene... damn this thing tests your skills as a writer aint it?! *wipes forehead* so please please give me feedback? I would love to know how I did!


Chapter 10

"Right here sir?"

"Yes, Jeff, right here is fine. And I told you, it's okay call me Tristan." Tristan said to our stolen driver as we hopped out of the limo.

"Thanks Jeff." I said sheepishly as I stood by his window. I felt embarrassed. I can't even imagine what he thought of me after what we had just did. I basically left my fiancé at the altar and ran away with another man!

As if he read my mind, he smiled warmly at me and shook his head, "Don't feel embarrassed Me-lady, never apologize for following your heart."

I single tear finally dropped down my cheek. I had been holding that in since this morning, though the reasons had changed from dread and defeat to happy and hopelessly in love within the last 2 hours.

"Thanks Jeff. I really appreciate what you did for me today." I managed to say, stifling a sob.

"It was a pleasure for me Me-Lady, but here," he said as he handed me a card with his number, "anytime you need a getaway car, be sure to call me." He said as he winked in the direction of

Tristan who had appeared behind me, placing his hand by the small of my back in support.

Tristan chuckled at the jib, "Ha-ha! Jeff! I hardly think that card would be needed for the next week! But if you wanted to give my girl your number you should have just said so!"

Jeff only smiled and shook his head at how silly Tristan was, and so did I as I lightly slapped his shoulder in disbelief.

"But on a serious note, thanks for the ride Jeff, have a safe trip back! And remember, you don't know where we are!" Tristan said as he reached a hand in and shook Jeff's hand, and with that, Jeff tipped his hat slightly as he pulled out of the sandy driveway.

As soon as he was gone Tristan turned me to face him and pressed me into him, just gazing lovingly into my eyes.

"Sooo... your own beach house huh? Any secret ruande-vu's I should know about? It's a little kinky don't you think?" I said suggestively as I eyed his perfectly shaped lips.

"Ha-ha! Well, now that you mention it..." he trailed. I slapped his shoulder again laughing. I would literally come Chainsaw Massacre this whole place if I ever found a girl here!!

"So now that we are alone Miss Tlou," he said, putting emphasis on the 'miss', seemingly loving the fact that he stopped me from getting married, I rolled my eyes at that, "What do you want to do?" he finished suggestively as he pressed my body even more into himself.

I chuckled, knowing exactly what he wanted, but I won't make it that easy for him!

"I don't know..." I kissed him.

"I was thinking maybe..." I kissed him again.

"We could play a game..." I kissed him even longer as I felt him get excited.

"I was thinking the same!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Great!" I kissed him even longer, this time brushing my tongue against his lips getting him even more excited.

"Race you to the beach!" I yelled just as I broke out running towards the back of the house in the direction of the beach-backyard.

It took him a couple of moments to regain his senses and understand what I just did, "HEY!!!! That's no fair! You tease!" he yelled as he also started running, chasing me down for revenge.

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