Chapter 21

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“Aura… Aura honey?”

The voice sounded like it was right above me. Why couldn’t I see? Why is everything dark??

Ow! My head hurts!!

“Aura I know you can hear me honey, wake up please?”

I know that voice…

Hey that’s my mother!!

“M-mommy?” I managed to stammer out as I felt control of my body return. I struggled to open my eyes, only managing to squint them open.

“There’s my girl! You alright baby?” I could see her smiling lovingly through the little slits my eyes couldn’t move past. I nodded my affirmation then instantly regretted it because my head started throbbing again.

“Wha-What happened?”

She chuckled, “Well honey, THAT is something Tristan will explain to you as soon as they can get him to calm down.”

I was confused. I looked around and noticed I was back in the guest room Tristan and I was sharing in the Bas estate.

I tried to remember the last thing I could remember…

The garden party… I was standing on the patio with Tristan. He- he… HE ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!!

Adrenaline coursed through me as I instinctively jumped up, ignoring the sharp pain in my head, “Where is he? TRISTAN??! Where is he momma?!”

“Hush now! You’re going to cause yourself a concussion if you carry on exerting yourself! Lie back down this instant Oarata!” my mother pushed my chest back down onto the bed sternly.

“He’ll be right in, he was just taken out of the room because he was starting to act crazy cause you wouldn’t wake up, erratic young man he is. Tsk tsk tsk!” she shook her head, “That boy may be a lot of things, but he is mostly dangerously determined. You should take care with him Aura.” she said matter-of-factly, shaking her finger strictly in my face like she used to do when I was a child. I had to force myself NOT to roll my eyes. The consequences of that were cringe-worthily dangerous for me!

I just bit my lip and nodded obediently as she carried on, “however I do see what you see in him… I remember when your father had that look in his eyes as a young man.” she smiled to herself as if in a distant memory.

“Is she awake??! I heard her say my name!!” Tristan burst into the room frantically only to receive a dangerous glare from my mother at his uncouth actions.

“Uh-uhm… sorry Mrs. Tau.” He stammered out, averting his eyes to the ground and looking frozen at his spot by the door.

My mother sighed, shaking her head once more, she muttered about how kids don’t have manners now-er days, “Come in child, yes she’s awake, and Tristan, Fae will do just fine, Mrs. Tau is my mother-in-law.” She responded distastefully.

Tristan shot a look at me that screamed “HELP!” and I chuckled, shaking my head no. this was the second time he was caught in the line of fire with my mother, and again… it’s safest to not get involved!!

He narrowed his eyes at me accusingly, “certainly Mrs. - I mean Fae. I apologize.”

“That’s okay child, I see you are in haste to get to Oarata. I shall leave the two of you alone for a few moments, but remember that everybody is just as anxious outside so don’t take too long in here.” She warned, giving us each a strict glare. We both nodded like naughty school children and stayed silent as she waltzed out of the room.

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