Chapter 15 The Price Of Power

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I LIVEEEEE, But seriously, sorry for taking so long guys, i got life, school and all that, but nevertheless i have returned, and i'm back to writing 1000 words each day like before so i'll hopefully be able to go back to a chapter a week, well, maybe not THIS week since i'll spend 3 days traveling, but hopefully things workout, before this chapter i'd like to explain that i'll be taking some liberties with some things, like how Parasites work, i'll also be treating living weapons as just a kind of parasite because it's basically the same thing except most living weapons don't talk, but anyway, i'd like to thank my beta readers: Joelitos09 and DarkZ19_05, but anyways, enjoy the chapter.

Forte: So are you just going to stand there and laze around all day?

Forte complained to his host, who was laying motionless in his bed.

Y/N: I don't know

Forte: The fuck do you mean you don't know?

Y/N: I just want to rest a little, think about my life, maybe see if I can remember what that dream was all abo-WOW!


The blunt sound filled the warm room, as Y/N's thoughts were abruptly dragged to their end by the dog pulling away the sheets with his mouth.

Y/N: What was that for?

Y/N asked lethargically.

Forte: You've slept till 2 in the fucking evening I'm not letting you sleep any longer.

Y/N: Come on Forte, it's Sunday, just let me rest.

Y/N asked, slowly closing his eyes.


He screamed, being ignored by his host, who faked some snoring to phase Forte out.

Forte: So that's how it gonna be?

Y/N: Zzz.

Forte: Well, suit yourself then.

The parasite said in a suspicious tone. And after a brief blissful second of silence, Y/N's smile faltered as he opened his eye when he felt something touching his leg.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Forte: Making you do something with your life.

Y/N: Hey who's the one with a job here?

Forte: Oh no, it's true, you have a job and I don't, let me get right on that, being a fucking METAL DOG.

He mocked back, before getting right back to dragging Y/N through the floor and out the door.

Cerebella: Y/N didn't want to get out of bed?

Forte: No, so I'm going to throw him in the river.

Y/N: Do you really need to do this every Sunday?

Forte: If you keep wasting your time, yes.

Y/N: Come on, it's my only day free.

Y/N moaned as his parasite opened the door.

Forte: All the more reason to go do something.

Y/N: Is this really because you can't go anywhere without me?

Forte: Yes.

The dog said as he finally threw his host in the water like a rotten sack of potatoes.

Forte: So let's do something before I die of boredom.

The dog demanded as he sat by the pier, his host slowly rising out of the water and spitting water in a short stream.

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