Inspiration and Plagiarism

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I never thought i'd have to write something like this, and believe me, i never wanted to, from all the horrible experiences i've had on this site, from oversaturation of certain tags to glitches and bugs that affected me personally, i NEVER thought someone would steal my stories and ideas for personal gain.

Unfortunately, yesterday i decided to check if any other Skarpworld stories were made, and i found a blatant and cheap rip off that only slightly changed narration and made it some crappy op reader shit, yes, op reader, with like 30 lines of powers in a fucking slice of life story, yeah, don't get it either. While taking the same plotlines and even lines of dialogue and jokes, as well as edits and crops that me and my friend DarkZ19_05 made exclusively for my ,story, unfortunately i cannot give you it's name because as much as i want to bash it to high heaven the author thankfully fulfilled his part of deal and deleted it, so i will not name him or "his" story, you know who you are though, and believe me when i say i NEVER want to fucking deal with you again, understood?

Some may not believe me in this for not naming him, but if that's the case i'll do an update exhibiting the evidence i gathered while the story was still up, editing any mentions of him out, of course.

I am more than glad to help any reader of mine that wants to write his own story in any way i can, fuck, i made an annoucement a while back offering my help to anyone who wanted it, but taking my hard work, twisting it a little, spitting in my fucking face by mixing it with one of my most hated "genres" is an insult to me as a writer and a person, it genuinaly hurt to see my ideas and my dialogue being copy and pasted without any care in the world and for what? Why would you do it? Reads? Followers? Don't you have any shame?

I will reiterate that i do enjoy helping anyone that wants some help in writing a book, however inspiration and plagiarism are two COMPLETELY different things, if you want to grab one or two elements from my story because you liked it and credit me, sure, i'd be honored to know i helped, just don't literally fucking take my chapters to use in your story.

Honestly, i don't even know what to say, i'm disgusted, disappointed, and frankly, hurt, that a reader of mine would just steal my ideas for their own book, this whole ordeal has frankly greatly soured me, i even considered just stopping altogether, i mean, all it takes is for someone to refuse to accept their mistakes or someone bigger than me with blind fans to do the same thing and i won't be able to do anything but watch my work be copy pasted.

But i won't do that, i love writing and i love the reviews, comments and even the occasional dm's i get from you guys, i will keep writing and deal with any other thiefs if and when the time comes, but i must admit, even if that'sthe case i am considering abandoning Wattpad and restarting on Fanfiction, i've seen what, 6 or 7 cases of thieves in Wattpad now? But in Fanfiction i've only ever seen one, i like that community of writers a lot more, their writing, the actual respect they hold for each other, well, at least enough respect not to steal each other's stuff, but i'm still only considering the idea, it's unlikely i will move away from Wattpad, but i've been considering it.

Thank you for listening to me, i know most of my readers aren't assholes like this guy and i like most of you, so please, i ask you, if you see a story that seems a tad bit too similar to mine, report it and tell me, please.

I've been working on the new chapter, but with me wondering if i'll leave i have abstained from publishing it, so that's it, i'll see you all next time, be it here or be it there.

And sorry for this not relating to Skullgirls exactly, i just felt it needed to be said.

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