Chapter 11 Nyantics

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As promised, the new chapter i wrote during my break, if it has any mistakes, i probably did it due to being away for so long, so please point it out to me so i can fix it immediately, i don't have much to say in this beggining announcement, except of course that this chapter was beta read by DarkZ19_05 and Joelitos09, also i set up a little silly contest in my announcements to see if anyone could guess the character that would show up in this chapter and Somethingoriginal1 actually guessed it right, so good guess man, congrats.

A shower could be heard turning off as Y/N opened a set of curtains, stepping out from behind them before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.

Y/N: ~Like the wind, you came running~

He sang a as he walked to the mirror, examining his face in his reflection for a few seconds, before grabbing his chin and feeling around it.

Y/N: I don't know whether I should be relieved I don't grow a beard or worried about it.

Y/N said to himself as he touched his soft face for one last moment before going back to looking over his body he noticed the wound he got from the stab had already healed.

Y/N: Thank god he didn't stab the arm where I have Forte, I'd probably have to answer some awkward questions.

Forte: You could always just say it's a tattoo from a punk phase.

Y/N: AH!

The man screamed as he jumped back, one hand holding up his towel and the other being encased in an energy blade as he pointed towards the intruder, only to not see Forte anywhere in the bathroom.

Forte: I'm outside you scared cat, now come on, Cerebella's waiting for you.

Y/N: Oh, uhh, I'm leaving soon.

Y/N said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment as he heard the sound of the door of his room being opened, signaling that he could leave the bathroom now, doing so, he saw his simple room, a bed, a wardrobe, which was of course filled with long sleeved clothing to hide Forte's badge, but there was nothing much to note about the room, with one notable exception, a big quantity of posters glued to the walls, most of them belonging to videogames or cartoons, two in particular were different however, both were old propaganda posters, one announcing the fight between Beowulf versus Grendel the gigan, and the other seemed, to depict Baryl, punching a gigan across the face while his other arm choked a man in tattered steel armor with a long crown shaped after the king piece in chess, the text "He never had a break, why should you ?" filling it's top and bottom, later Y/N learned from Forte that those were the gigan and chess kingdom's kings, he could have done without the three hour long speech about the day his dad took them on by himself though, he liked stories, but three hours long was way past overkill, especially with how biased he seemed to be, he never saw his dad fighting much, but Y/N was sure he couldn't use a whole building like a hammer, but wasting time looking at posters aside, Y/N walked to his wardrobe, dressing up and getting ready for the day ahead.

Small Timeskip

Forte: Took you long enough.

Forte said as Y/N left the room, Y/N ignoring him and walking towards the kitchen, only to look back after he noticed Forte wasn't following.

Y/N: You don't want to eat?

Forte: I already did, so I'm gonna leave you two alone, please do something I'd be proud of for once.

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