Chapter 2: The Lonely Girl

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So, i wanted to make some things clear, first i forgot to say it last chapter but thanks to Joelitos09 and Ender_JJS7 for beta reading this chapter, you guys really helped me, furthermore i wanted to say this will follow the canon timeline to the best of my ability, however, the great war and the event who happened 7 years before it will have their dates switched, yeah i called it "the event that happened 7 years before" cause i don't want to spoil anything, also it's not really clear which year Skullgirls takes place in so this will be in modern times with that post ww2 aesthetic, but i'll try to keep modern technology mentions to a minimum, and without further ado, please enjoy the chapter

A few hours later

Y/N: I-I think this is far enough.

A panting Y/N fell to his knees, having lost count of how long he had been running, the only indication being how drenched in sweat he was.

Y/N: With this I'll win for sure!

But he did not let that get over him, overcome with the joy of victory.

Y/N: And now, i wait.

He stood still, looking to the end of the alley he had entered, seeing the lights of new meridian and the people walking through the sidewalk in awe, looking at the happy people passing by with a smile on his face, only to hear someone crying.

Y/N: What?

Confused, he looked around, trying to find the location of the cries, realizing it came from the opposite side of the alley, walking closer he could hear the middle of a conversation.

???: I'm hungry.

A feminine voice cried, followed by a few sobs and growling from a stomach.

???: It's okay Vice, it's not your fault.

She said affectionally, looking from behind a garbage bin, Y/N saw a girl around his age, she had light brown skin and a mint green hair trailing down her back in a dirty and messy bun, her clothes were rags and she was hugging an orange hat ornamented with a small skull close to her chest, but he could not see who "Vice" was.

Y/N: Hello?

The boy asked, his innocent gaze meeting the girl's empty stare, immediately she backed up against the wall, a careful stare in her glazed eyes.

???: Who are you?

Y/N: My name is Y/N, what's yours?

He said with a friendly smile, the girl only seeming more alerted, her stomach growling once again.

Y/N: You're hungry?

The girl didn't answer.

Y/N: We have cake back at the orphanage if you want some.

???: I don't need any.

Y/N made a confused face.

Y/N: But you're hungry aren't you?

???: It doesn't matter, go away.

Y/N's confusion only worsened as he stared at her, the girl, seeing that he wasn't going away, took action, putting the hat on her head as it grew oversized muscular arms out of it's sides, the skull on the hat taking an angry expression, while she tried to put an angry one herself, but the nervous look in her eyes did not escape the boy.

???: Look you either go away or I'm gonna take ya for a ride!

But the kid did not even flinch at her threat, instead opting to gawk at her hat arms.

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