Chapter 1

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Heyyyy, i like Drake Merwin. If you do too, comment. If you have no idea who he is, go read Gone by Michael Grant. I'll take any constructive feedback.

Warnings: Guns, combat, swearing, cruelty? Sassiness

Word count: 1638

I was there six days ago when the adults poofed. I was there three days ago when School Bus Sam ran into the burning building. I was there two days ago when Caine and the Coates kids came. But that doesn't mean anyone noticed me. No, I just stood on the outskirts of the crowd, blending into the shadows and watching. It isn't too bad being the Girl in Black - the rumor of me which circulated Perdido Beach a few years back when they caught sight of me on a security camera, my black plait snaking down my back, nose and mouth covered by a black mask under sharp blue eyes. I've been more careful of that, keeping to the shadows of the shadows, always wearing the mask when I'm out. Well, now I don't, since there are no adults. What would be the point?

Ever since my mother died of cancer, I've been living rough. So not much has changed since the FAYZ. As soon as I realised it happened, I went to the power plant and took two pistols and a rifle, plus as many cartridges as I could. My dad, before he left when I was eleven, taught me how to shoot, for hunting. And I'm good at it. I can still hear his voice, his rich Californian drawl - 'My Rebel Davis is the best shooter in Fallout Alley, and she's only eleven!'

Right now, I sit in an abandoned house, cleaning one of my pistols, when I hear footsteps up the porch. My head snaps up and I grab one of my pistols, spinning it into my palm and getting up slowly as someone knocks on the door. Scowling, I shove the gun into my waistband, out of sight, and make my way over to the door. When I open it, it reveals a guy with shaggy sandy hair, eyes like chips of grey - blue ice, and a sharky smile. Good looking in a cold kind of way. And good looking as in full out hot, not just cute.

'Drake Merwin,' I say, recognising him as Caine Soren's own little police force.

'Who are you, and why're you in this kid's house?' He demands, pointing to the forlorn little boy behind him.

'Hm, being Caine's bully isn't so great once he makes you handle the kids, is it?' I pick at my nails and look up at him casually through my lashes.

'Who are you?'

'Did you read the news two years ago?'

'Why?' He's getting impatient.

'Because I'm Perdido's resident Girl in Black.'

'And you're what, fourteen?' He asks, trying to hide the shock in his voice.

'Yeah, well so are you, brother.'

The kid whines, clutching his teddy bear.

'Please make her go, she's scary.'

I roll my eyes. 'Isn't Mary Terrafino running the daycare?'

'You know, there are plenty of abandoned houses.'

'Yeah, but this one suits me.'

'Am I going to have to force you?'

'Is that a threat?' My hand reaches under my shirt hem, and Drake's eyes follow the movement.

'What is that?' He snaps.

I shrug casually. 'Nothing,' I breeze. 'Sometimes a girl's got to adjust her tampon.' This, of course, isn't true, but who is he to know, so I might as well have my fun. His eyes narrow, and I laugh, almost hearing the cogs turning in his head. 'Calm down. I'll go, but only if I get to speak to Caine.'

A Rebel in Black: Drake Merwin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now