Chapter 7

124 2 4

Warnings: swearing, guns, blood, 

Word Count: 2151

We let Taylor, one of the cinder block kids, collapse on her own at the edge of the road. We hear footsteps approaching, and Drake smiles as we hear voices.

'Go, Jack,' I hiss, and the SUV lurches forward as Jack steps on the gas, then jolts to a stop as he slams on the brakes. He jumps out of the car and runs towards the group of people, Sam, Edilio, Quinn, Astrid, and another girl, whose clothes are nothing but rags.

'Oh, thank God,' Jack says. 'You found Taylor. She's ill in the head, y'know.'

Drake and I rise from the back seat, both our guns cocked.

'Don't even think about it.' Drake says.

'However fast you think you are, all we have to do is squeeze the trigger.' I add.

'I'm not moving,' Sam says, raising his hands.

'Ah ah ah, no, Sammy boy,' I tut. 'We know all about your power. Keep your hands by your sides if you value your life.'

'I have to help carry this girl,' Sam replies.

'No one's carrying her anywhere,' Drake snaps. 'She's done for.'

'We're not leaving her here,' Astrid protests.

'The guy holding the gun makes the decisions,' Drake growls, then grins. 'And the girl. Plus, if I were you, Astrid, I wouldn't push. Caine wants to try to take you and your little brother alive. But if you two try and do your disappearing act, I'll shoot Sam.'

'You're a psychopath, Drake,' Astrid says.

'Wow,' I say sarcastically. 'Such a big word. I guess that's why you're Astrid the Genius, huh? You know what else is a good word? Retard.'

Astrid flinches like I just hit her, and I hear Drake's low chuckle.

'My brother is a retard,' he mimics. 'I wish I had recorded it. Okay. We're going to climb in the truck here one by one. Nice and slow. Throw the girl in the front seat next to Jack.'

'Any time before nightfall,' I snark. 'Maybe next time come with muscles.'

Astrid climbs in behind Jack. 'I really thought there might be some hope for you, Jack.'

'Nah,' Drake says dismissively. 'Jack's just a tool. He does what we tell him to do.'

Little Pete and the ragged girl share the middle bench with Astrid, Edilio and Sam in the back row. Drake presses his gun to the back of Edilio's head.

'Your problem's with me, Drake,' Sam says.

'You might take a chance if it's only your own life on the line,' Drake replies. 'But you won't risk me shooting your pet Mexican here, or your girlfriend.'

'Or whoever the fuck she is,' I say, pointing to the girl.

'Lana,' she snaps, and I smile.

'Lovely to meet you, Lana, but I didn't ask.'

We pull up outside Coates.

'Looks like a war zone,' Edilio comments.

'The FAYZ is a war zone,' Drake says darkly, and I roll my eyes at him, mouthing drama queen. He grins his sharky grin and throws me a wink. Panda and a couple of kids are waiting, armed with baseball bats.

'Before you see Caine, we have things to take care of. Line up. Walk single file around the building.' We pass the cinder blocked kids and Astrid swears with enough language to make me wonder if she's still Catholic.

A Rebel in Black: Drake Merwin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now